chapter 16: final show

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time skip// 2 days later 

Today is my final day in New York. I had a huge runway show today and I was extremely nervous. I have spent the last 2 months training for this day. I had a long sleep in this morning so that I could get my rest. The show starts at 9pm and it's now 6. I've spent the day relaxing and watching heaps of movies with everyone but it was now time for me to head over to the venue. I just got out of the shower and threw on a comfortable outfit. 

"The cabs here, I'll see you guys tonight," I waved to my friends who were sitting on my bed. 

I was given many 'goodlucks', 'you will be great' and 'see you tonight's' by the Walton's and my dad as I made my way out of the hotel room. 

"Wait ma, I'll walk you down to the cab," javon suggested. I nodded in response and grabbed my duffle bag which was packed with everything for tonight. Wanna took my hand in his and we made our way downstairs to meet my other teen vogue friends. 

The elevator opened for us and I pressed on ground level. The nerves started to kick in even though I still had a while till my show. I think javon picked up on my nervousness as he gripped my hand tighter. "Hey, you will be amazing you have nothing to worry about and we will all be there supporting you," javon comforted me. 

"Thanks J," I replied. I guess I feel a little better but still nervous as fuck. The elevator doors opened when we reached the ground level of the hotel and I walked to the front to meet my friends. 

"See you soon ma, love you," javon pulled me in tightly and wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck, kissing him goodbye. 

"Love you too wanna." 


'deep breaths y/n, you still have an hour before it even starts', I breathed to myself. We had been at the venue for a while now and I was about to start hair and makeup. We had done another full rehearsal and everything started kicking in. I sat down at the chair which I was taken too and I had people start on my hair and makeup. Everyone had 3 outfits which they were displaying tonight. The theme was early 2000's and from the fittings, I thought everything I was wearing was amazing. After every outfit, I had to quickly come back and get changed as well as re do my hair and makeup to match each outfit. 

My hair and makeup was now completed and I had finished carefully changing into my first outfit. 

^^^ first outfit 

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^^^ first outfit 

- hair was out but two braids at the front 

- pink eyeliner on one eye and green on the other 

I could hear the crowd quiet down as the opening music starting playing. I was 1st on which made everything even more nerve racking. I was in line, behind the curtain (not sure what to call it) waiting for my que. I had makeup and hair artists touching everything up as I stood their, breathing through my nerves. 

and then I heard it. my que. Everyone backed away from me has I took my final deep breath and pulled on a straight face. The curtains opened up for me and I kept my head straight forward and I started my walk. Everything cleared out of my head as I pictured myself alone, with no one watching me. My walk was smooth and I felt proud of myself. lights flashing in my face but I tried hard to ignore them. I made my turn at the end of the runway and started my walk back off. 


Finally, it was over. We all congragulated each other and said our final goodbyes as we most likely would see each other again. I did shed a few tears at the thought of things ending and not being able to see people again but hopefully this has opened heaps of modelling opportunities for me. 

After saying goodbye, I walked out the back which I wear I was meeting the Waltons and my dad with the van they had booked to pick up up.  I tried my hardest to avoid all paparazzi which I did well at, quickly sliding inside the van which was picking me up. 

As I closed the van's door behind me, I was greeted with flowers from javon. "Aww thank you J," I smiled, taking the flowers off him. 

"I didn't know you could do all that ma. you were amazing," javon smiled. I thanked him and was congratulated by everyone else. 

Honestly, I didn't know I could do all that either. 

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