chapter 7: sneaker con

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I slept over at Javon's last night so that we could go to SneakerCon together today. I woke up, leaving wanna to sleep, and had a shower. After showering, I got changed into my outfit. I was wearing baggy black jeans and a black hoodie with a blue vintage jacket over it. 

*your outfit, if you don't like it then you can wear what you want :)* ^^^^^

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*your outfit, if you don't like it then you can wear what you want :)* ^^^^^

After getting changed, I went to Jayla's room to borrow her hair straightener and makeup. She helped my straighten my hair and curl the ends to add volume, and then I applied some regular, everyday makeup. I was fully ready so I went back to Javon's room to see him changed sitting on the bed on his phone. 

"Wassup ma, where you been?" "I was getting ready in Jayla's room," I replied, sitting next to him. He seemed to be upset or stressed so I peeked over at his phone to see he was on his discord server. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Stressed I guess. Look at all the people comin, and these are only the people on the server." He handed me his phone and I scrolled through all the chats. "Fuck that's a lot of people." "They're very excited to meet us," he giggled nervously. "Don't stress too much J. We will be with your dad and each other. And there is heaps of security." "Yeah good point." 

We were about to leave to start driving to SneakerCon. A few days ago, Javon was sent the off white university red dunks which javon was super excited about. I think it was super cute the way he got so excited about shoes. He put on his new shoes and I put on my white, racer blue dunks and said goodbye to everyone, before meeting DJ in the car. 

After a longish drive, we arrived at the place SneakerCon was being held at. We had to come an hour before it officially launched so we could talk to some people and get set up. We had a big interview in front of heaps of people on a stage and then meet and greet things. We got out of the car and headed into the place. When we walked in there was a huge hall thing which was pretty much empty besides some people who were already there, setting up stalls and stuff. These security guards lead DJ, Javon and I out the back to this room which was behind the stage. The room had a few tables in in which had snacks and water on them. The people gave us a run down on what was going to happen and then left DJ, Javon and I to talk and hangout before everyone arrived. 

After eating some snacks and hanging out, we started to hear people come into the venue. Suddenly, I started to feel sick and worried. We'd never had this many people come to see us and we had to stay with them. It was a meet and greet, it's not like we could run away because some people payed, just to see us. Obviously, SneakerCon isn't just a thing for people to meet Javon and I, but since we were coming, there was a lot more people this year than any other year. I felt Javon hug me from behind which made me feel more comforted. I turned around and looked at the boy who looked extremely nervous and exchanged the same, nervous look with him. "We will be good ma," he said, trying to force a smile. "Yeah. We will," I replied, also forcing a smile. 

Just then, some guys who were holding microphones and camera's knocked on the door. DJ let them in and they ran Javon and I through what was about to happen. "We are about to do a small live video and then y'all can head out for the meet and greet. There is a lot of people here to see you guys but there's no need to worry. Security will be with y'all at all times," the man holding the microphone explained. We stood in our places and the 2 men got ready to start the live stream. 

Actors in love pt 2- Javon WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now