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(Jack texting Nash)
Jack: keep lying about how you made me do it
Nash: you know you wanted to do it
Jack: no I didn't nash
Nash: build a bridge and get over it.
Jack: I can't I don't like hurting my friends
Nash: don't talk to me anymore dude
Jack: im telling y/n
Nash: she won't believe you
Jack: why'd you want me to do it anyways
Nash: why did you do it anyways
Jack: I was drunk now answer my question
Nash: it's nothing
Jack: tell me nash
Nash: I like y/n. I got jealous cause sammy got her and not me
Jack: why didn't you just tell her
Nash: cause I didn't want to sound like a jerk
Jack: whatever I'm still telling her..
Your pov
"Babe I wish I could lay with you every night" sammy says "me too" I say sighing "it's 11:30 we should go to sleep" sammy says getting comfortable in his chair "okay good night I love you" I lay getting comfortable "goodnight princess sleep tight" sammy says slowly closing his eyes.
(3 am)
I start having a flashback/Dream on the night that Jack done that to me. I wake up and gasp then I start breathing heavily.
(Sammys Pov)
I was sleeping soundly then I hear heavy breathing and I quickly get up "you okay baby girl" I say as I go over to her bed "just a bad dream" she says kissing my cheek. Dang she was adorable. "I'm gonna sleep right beside you just incase it happens again. Okay?" I say scooting the chair beside her hospital bed "okay, I love you so much thank you for everything" she says laying her head back down. I get comfortable in my chair and I grab her hand and lace our fingers together "I love you too and any time baby girl" I say closing my eyes.
(8 am)
Your pov
I wake up and see sammy right beside me sleeping soundly. He looked so adorable sleeping. Our hands were still interlocked. I kiss his forehead and go back to sleep
Sorry this was so short but big things are coming up 😏

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