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Your pov
(Caroline is texting you)
Carol💁🏼: hey want to go clubbing with me and Jack tonight? Sammys gonna be there 😏😏😏
You: you know i would LOVE to go but I have homework...
And school in the morning
Carol💁🏼: live a little y/n
You: im not going. maybe if it wasn't a school night
Carol💁🏼: how about This Friday?
You: fine I'll go with you this Friday
Carol💁🏼: you have to promise to drink a little bit and party
You: I don't know about that caroline.
Carol💁🏼: it's not gonna hurt you if you take one or two shots. Come on
You: ......I guess one or two shots
Carol💁🏼: that's my girl can't wait!! 😘
I actually did really want to go to that party cause sammy but school comes before partying for me. I get done with my home work after an hour and then I get a text.
Unknown: hey this is sammy caroline gave me your number. This is y/n right?
You: haha yes this is y/n why'd she give you my number? I'm not mad or anything im just wondering 😂
Sammy😍: we were talking and idk how but the topic got on you and asked for your number 😊
You: awe ☺️
Sammy😍: I'll talk to you tomorrow at school 😉
You: okay sounds good
Sammy😍: goodnight
You: night
I go to bed happy as heck and I wake up around 5am to get my hair curled and do my makeup. I usually don't wear any makeup so I think everybody will be surprised when I walk in the building. I get on some black and white Nike tennis shoes, a black shirt that says 'PINK' in white letters, and some black sweatpants that cut off above the ankle. I walk in the school feeling confident I get many stares but I try not to let it bother me. I go straight to my locker right beside sammys locker and Caroline's locker. I get a few books out for my first period class and I close the locker and see sammy standing right there. I got lost in his big brown eyes I just kept staring
"Hello?! Y/N?" Sammy says and I snap out of my day dream.

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