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Sammys Pov
"What happened to her" I ask "when she was like 10 her mom went all crazy and she had to leave the house and she's staying somewhere but she doesn't know where and she misses her like crazy" Caroline says "oh my gosh" I say while running up to y/n's room
(Your pov)
I hear someone knock on my door and I faintly say "come in" I wipe my tears away but you can still notice my bloodshot eyes from crying "oh my. Babe I am so so so SO sorry I asked you that I didn't know" Sammy says while sitting by me on my bed "it's okay you didn't know" I say sniffling sammy gets closer and gives me a long cuddly hug and I loved it. "I'm sorry I ran away when you asked" I say laying my head on his chest "no it's fine I would too if that ever happened to me." Sammy says stroking my hair lightly. After a few minutes caroline busts in with Jack "oh am I ruining a moment" Caroline says smirking "no" I say laughing "what do yAll want to go Do?" Jack asks "CLUBBBBINGGGGGG TONIGHT!!" Caroline yells "I don't know maybe not tonight" I say "WHYYY" Caroline asks "church" I say back "oh my gosh why do you have to be such a good girl" Caroline asks "I don't want to die and go to hell" I say "you don't have to come then me sammy and Jack will go" Caroline says "can't" sammy and Jack say "why not?" Caroline asks
"Going out with the boys Jack j, skate, Kenny, and a few others" Sammy says "oh. Well me and y/n will just have a girls night" Caroline says "yAll have fun" Sammy says "we're gonna go right now I'll text you later babe" Jack says "okay bye yAll have fun" Caroline says "I'll text you later too y/n" Sammy says "okay" I say as jack and sammy leave.
Your pov
"So what do you want to do" I ask
"Let's talk about you and sammy" Caroline says "what's there to talk about?" I ask "has he asked you out yet??" She asks smiling "no but I think he's about to. But I need to get to know him better" I say "why he's like perfect for you" Caroline says "I know but he's never been like this to me you know he used to bully me. He is like the popular guy of the whole school and I'm just the shy nerd so I think I should get to know him better like why did he do that to me and why is he so in love with me" I say "when I started dating Jack sammy would always talk about you and he said the reason he would always bully you is because it was the cool thing to do and his friends told him to. Me and Jack didn't tell him to it was his other friends" she says "oh so if me and him were ever to date We would have to hide it from everybody" I say "I don't think sammy would do that to you" Caroline says "I don't know." I say "let's just get some pizza and not worry about it" Caroline says "okay let's gooo" I say grabbing my keys
We get in my car and go to the boardwalk to get pizza we shop around till dark
(It's 8pm)
"I didn't know we were here that long" Caroline says laughing "I know right!" I say as we both get in the car "WANNA watch Netflix when we get home" Caroline asks "sure" I say as we drive to my house. We pull up in the drive way and I see a text from sammy.
Sammy🙏🏼😍: heyy BAEE
you: Heyy :))))
Sammy🙏🏼😍: Yur sosoooooooo friggin HOTTR
you: sammy are you high?
Sammy🙏🏼😍: what moooooo
You: yes you are 😂
Sammy🙏🏼😍: ecuse me don't laf ag me
You: it's okay you're cute when you're high 😊😂
Sammy🙏🏼😍: luv u babee

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