Chapter 7

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I was basically locked in my room for the rest of the evening until I heard the door swing open and close. I looked over the steps because I am not going to waste my time walking all the way down there if it's just my mom getting the mail. 

Sure enough it was my dad. This time he didn't look that happy when he got home. I was kind of worried but not worried enough to actually go all the way downstairs. He was most likely just mad because of politics or something I could care less about.

He talked to my mom in a quiet voice by the island in our kitchen. I strained my neck to try to hear what they were saying without them seeing me.

"I just really hope he changes his mind because this could change our..." Dad said but I didn't get to here the last part about what it is going to change. I finally decided to go down there.

"Hey dad everything OK ?" I chirped as was walking down the steps. He gave me a worried look that meant everything was not OK. He looked at mom for some help.

"Um honey well you know dads new job right well the last to come last on to leave. Well he might have to leave but is a 50/50 chance." She said. I stood there and just took in those words. My mom was a pre-school teacher for goodness sake and I knew very well that my moms pay check could not pay all of our bills.

"Oh um well what are we gonna do. I make a couple bucks of you tube and I could..." Mom cut me off.

"Honey we are not asking are daughter for money. We will figure this out and I promise you that."

"Alright but are you going to look for other jobs so that if this doesn't exactly work out."

"Honey we are adults we can figure this out. Now go upstairs and don't worry about us we will be fine." I could just see the pain in her voice as she said that.

I could here my heart beating so fast and so loud but I just walked upstairs praying things would work out.

Just as I sat on my bed i felt a tear run down my face. The last time I felt that feeling was when I was like 8 and I fell off my scooter. Just as I was done having my nervous break down my phone rang. That was also a very very rare thing. Today is just a day of surprises and a big whooping awful surprise.

I rubbed my hand on my bed to try to find my phone that was buried under layers and layers of blankets. I pressed the home button and it was a number that I didn't have in my phone.

it read : Hey there Quinn. Don't think you can come in this school like you own this place. I know you think that just because your "Internet Famous" does not mean you can take everything away from me! So just back off ugh smh. - Rory.

I just sat there staring at that stupid text message. Me and Rory have not talked since 2 years ago when she tripped me and yelled at me that I needed to watch where I was going. Which by the way was totally uncalled for.

So me being the lovely Quinn I am doesn't take crap from people so I replyed to that text message.

Hey Rory so I see you have finally talked to me been a while huh? I am glad that you decided to talk to me. I really do feel bad that your jealous of what? I don't know. But whatever it is you wanted since I first layed eyes on you so back off. -Quinn.

OK so I know that was a little harsh but hey she needed to learn her lesson. I have just started a big fight. I didn't even realize it either.

Just then my mom called me down for dinner. We were a pretty standard family. My mom cooked really good dinners and stuff and we talked about school and work.

We are having moms favorite Mac N Cheese. It was really good but not good enough to fill the awkward silence. I was desperate so I said the worst thing I could have possible said. 

"So dad hows it going with your job and stuff." I almost whisper. Every time I think bout that I get butterfly and my legs get weak.

"Quinn, every thing is going to be alright. It is just a chance and we should not have even told you its not important any who." He replyed. To be quite frank I didn't believe him one bit.

"OK, well I am very glad you did I really think that I should know about important things like this." \

"Quinn I told you its not important."

"Dad its your job I consider that very important."

"That's enough Quinn he says its not important its not important." interuppted mom. You know I was just trying to knock some since into him I mean I don't want to be living in a box on the side of a road in a couple of days just saying.

After that very awkward dinner I proceeded up to my room. Well that couldn't have gone any worse.

My computer was letting me know that my video uploaded which means I could finally just rest with out being stressed for at least 1 second.

So I pulled out my phone from under my blankets and checked all my social media. Then just as I was finishing up re-tweeting/favoriting all my viewers tweets like:

"OMG Addicted to Quinn Smith. Just can't get enough"

"Wow her new video is perfect ugh"

I love everyone that supports me and just as I was having a moment a text from Rory popped up on my screen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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