Chapter 6

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When I got home from school I checked my laptop to see if my manager Jimmy has contacted me back about Good Morning America. Not to my surprise he had answered my email saying that he had set it up and I was to be on Good Morning America next Tuesday. It was kind of a last minute thing but I wasn't complaining.

I uploaded a video that I had edited before and while I was waiting for it to upload I browsed some online websites to see if I could find any dresses that I liked for the show.

After about 30 minutes of scrolling through Hautelook I heard a knock on my door. I was guessing it was my mom because my dad does not knock before coming in.

"Come in," I chirped

I was right it was my mom. She sat down on my bed.

"Hey honey so your manager told me that it is all official and I think I might be more exited then you."

"Yeah I was looking online for a dress but I just can't find anything."

"Oh well I was thinking we could go I the mall this weekend and if we order the dress it might not come in time for the show since this is kind of a last minute thing."

I knew she was right but I really hated to go shopping in the mall. The mall is always crowded and smells like Chanel perfume.

"Yeah I guess that's a good idea," I sighed.

"Yeah honey I know you don't like the mall but if you like you could invite a friend or something."

"I think I will just go with you," I said. For some weird reason she still thinks I have a ton of friends even though I never go out with any friends nor do that come to my house.

My mom just left the room and closed my door on her way out.

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