Chapter 4

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The next day at school everyone was whispering and looking at me. It felt good like I'm going on GMA how you feel about making fun of me know suckers. But I was pretty quiet girl so I didn't say that I just kept it to myself.

Hannah Burwell and Cassidy ran up to me in the hall way. Last time I checked they were embarrassed to even look at me at school.

"OMG Quinn you didn't tell me you were gonna be on GMA next Thursday that's crazy." Hannah squeaked.

"Well I mean we aren't friends and you never talk to me like the rest of the school." I reminded her. People like Hanna and Cassidy annoyed the crap out of me they hate me then I do something good and they praise me.

Hannah just punched me on the shoulder like I was kidding or something...

" Quinn do you like want to come to my party Saturday it's gonna be awesome so you better come." Said Cassidy like we were friends or something.

"Can't I have a meet and greet Saturday night at H&M." I said. It was half the truth. I had a meet and greet but I could make her party if I wanted to but I don't.

"Oh bummer. It must be hard being famous." Hannah said.

"I'm not famous I just make videos and people notice me I guess."

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME." Cassidy screamed. She had to be the most annoying girl on the planet.

I kind of slipped away from them to they were really annoying.

Derrick waltzed over to me in a way that was way beyond cute I couldn't even. "Quinn congrats for going on GMA I'll be watching along with the whole country." He said in his smooth voice.

My throat got really dry. He was like the most popular boy in the whole school. I'm pretty sure he has never made eye contact with me or never even knew my name till today.

"Um thanks I'm really looking forward till Thursday." I stuttered. I sounded like I had strep throat or something.

"K see you around."

I had butterfly's in my stomach and my legs were really weak. Ok so maybe I liked him like a lot but I have to play it cool.

He strutted away. Usually I would be annoyed when boys walked like that but when Derrick walked like that it was different in some way.

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