Chapter 16

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(Saffron City)
After a few minutes of arguing the girls were separated from each other to avoid bringing in even more attention than they already had. Michael took Leaf far from Blue.

Leaf:"Let go of me Mikey!"

Michael:"Calm down Leaf. I can't stand it when you two argue"

Leaf:"Well this could have been solved if you chose only one of us!"

Michael:"Leaf you and I both know I don't like choosing between people and pokemon"

Leaf sighs in frustration and she starts to ignore Michael. The two sat in silence for a good two minutes that is until Michael spoke.

Michael:"Look we managed to force team rocket to retreat for now Andi would like to thank you for telling m they were here"

Leaf just ignores Michael. Michael looks at the sky and the sky was still up.

Michael:"Anyways didn't I promise you a date Leaf?"

Her jealousy and anger quickly disappeared and were replaced by a happy Leaf.

Leaf:"Oh yeah you did! Come on let's go!"

She says grabbing Michael by the arm.

Michael:"Well where do you want to go?"

Leaf:"Game corner!"

Michael laughs at her playfulness and he throws out his PokeBall and Charizard lands on the ground with a loud thud. He roars at the sky.

Leaf:"A shiny Charizard?! When did you get that?"

Michael:"That's a secret my dear leaf now let's go before it gets even more crowded"

Michael climbs on top Charizard's and Leaf climbs aswell although abit scared. Once she was on Charizard's back she tightly holds onto Michael causing Michael to turn to her.

Michael:"Have you never flown before Leaf?"

Leaf shakes her head.

Michael:"Well don't want be too scared. Charizard go slower than usual for today okay?"

Charizard shakes his head and he flies into the sky. Leaf tightens her grip on Michael and she closes her eyes.

Michael:"Blue it's okay you can open your eyes"

Blue hesitantly opens her eyes and she stares into Michael's face. he was smiling at her and he's Eevee sitting infront of him as the wind blew against his white and grey fur.

Michael:"Just focus on the beautiful sky okay Leaf?"

Leaf slowly turns her attention to the rest of the sky and she was awe immediately. There were Pidgeys, Venomoth, Butterfree and many other flying Pokemon. Some were flying close to the two while others were traveling in packs.

Michael:"Flying isn't all that scary when you focus on what's infront of you and ignore everything below you. You just have to hold on tightly and there is nothing else to worry about"

Leaf continues marveling at the beautiful sight of the many pokemon flying. She soon rests her head on Michael's back and after a few minutes they arrive in Celadon city. The two hop off of Charizard and Eevee jumps on Michael's shoulder. Michael pats Charizard and he gives him a treat. He later puts him back in his PokeBall and they walk into the game corner.

Leaf:"Wow! They have new games now!"

Leaf says looking at the many games they added. They now have arcades and a few other games.

Leaf:"What do you want to play first Mikey?"

Michael:"You can choose whatever you want Leaf"

Leaf :"Well then let's try this one!"

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