The Journey

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I hopped onto the back of the light grey truck my team uses. Jess hops on with me while James gets into the driver's seat. After a while the four men walk out of their house. "Come hop in with us! It'll be quicker!", Jess waves the men over.

Sanford gets in the passenger side while the other men get into the back with me and Jess. It wasn't long before the light grey truck starts to move. I lean over the side to speak to James better, "J, do you know where the place is?" "You bet, Shark!"

I sit back down before looking over to the men. When music starts playing. 'It's one of James' songs...nice.'

I felt a tap on my shoulder, looking over to the person, Jess holds up some cards. "Ok, we're either going to do something normal with those cards or you're going to do a magic trick.", Jess smirks as she starts shuffling the cards. She turns to the three other men. "I want all of you to think of a card."

'Magic trick it is.' I let out a hum before chosing my card. The ace of hearts. Jess places the cards down before taking off her jester thing on her wrists. "Once all of you thought of a card place your pointer and middle finger on the cards.", I proceed to place my two fingers on the deck.

One by one the men do the same thing. Jess let's out a hum, closing her eyes. She rubs her hands before snapping her fingers on her left hand. A card appeared on top of our fingers. Jess opens her eyes and reveals the card. The card is the queen of spades.

Jess looks at the four of us, "This card belongs to....2BDamned." The man nods before taking his fingers off the deck. Jess then flicks both of her wrists, making two cards appear. A jack of diamonds in her left hand and a king of clubs in her right hand. "The jack of diamonds belongs to....Deimos and the king of clubs is Hank's."

The two men take their fingers off the deck,"Wow, that's so cool!" Jess nods before placing her hands together and sliding the hand on top up. As she did that a ace of spades slowly appears from under the top hand. "I believe this is your card Jamie." "Why, yes. Yes it is Jess.", I take my fingers off the deck, smiling.

Jess then places the four cards back into the deck. She shuffles the deck before taping it on the bottom of the truck. Jess let's out a hum before, in one motion, hands out the cards at once. I picked up the card pile and looked at the cards. They are all blank.

"What the....didn't these have images on them?", I looked over to Deimos as the other two nod. Jess just giggles before tapping her left hand on the bottom of the truck. I looked back at my hand as the images of the cards start to appear. With no reaction, and ignoring Deimos freaking out I gather all the cards before handing them to Jess.

Jess takes the cards before placing them back into the box and teleporting the box to her room. She puts her jester things back on her wrists. The truck stops before the other two men hop out. "Are we already there?", Jess hops out while walking up to James. "No, just getting more gas. But we are almost there, Jess."

The colorful Irish girl nods before hopping back into the back of the truck. I climb up onto the roof of the truck and just laid there. It wasn't long before I here people talking. I look over to see Jess talking with Hank and 2BDammed. Deimos stayed silent.

"Yo, Hacker. Come here.", Deimos looks around before noticing me. I use my hand to motion him over, he stands up and climbs up on to the roof of the truck with me. "Are you good? You seemed lonely and upset." The male nods, "I'm fine, just. Just thinking." I let out a hum.

The two of us sat there is silence with the other three talking in the background. "So Jamie, what are somethings you like?", I looked over to Deimos. "Hmm, let's see....I like murdering, pranking others, helping, um. I like knifes, black roses....oh! Bunnies! And that's all that has came to mind." Deimos nods.

We then started to talk about ourselves, like how we met our team mates. Just our life practically. A hands hits the top of the truck where me and Deimos are sitting. " Ok! Let's get back on the road.", a Scottish accent spoke. I smiled while Deimos gets back to the rest.

I reach into my pocket, making sure that I still have my pocket knife in there. It was, good. The truck started moving back to the destination. I heard a light thump beside me. I look over to see a gun being held be someone inside. I grab the gun while the hand gives a thumbs up. 'It was James. Of course.'

I quietly giggle before looking around, holding the gun in my left hand. I noticed some agents in the distance, most likely waiting for us. I cock the small gun before aiming it. There was only two agents, probably just attacking random grunts. I proceed to shoot the agent closest before quickly shooting the agent beside him. Both died by a headshot. I smirk before reloading the gun even though it didn't need to.

I look back up to see the dead agents zoom by as we past them. Letting out a hum, I looked around see to kill more agents, in the way or not. Killing a few more agents we finally made it to the building where our leader in captured at. I hopped down off the truck once it stopped.

"Gather your things everyone."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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