A body guard?

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I had to get a weapon, that Sheriff secretly apparently has. This weapon.....This gun was needed for the next mission.

"Remember Hank...just get the gun and get out", 2B reminded me. I simply nodded and walked out.

I gathered my supplies, being a knife and a pistol. As much I would like to make a massacre, I needed to be fast and stealthy.


I walked up to the coward's base, killing the guards outside. Sneakily, I opened the door and slipped inside. Fighting the urge to kill the grunts, I snuck around them, sneaking near the Sheriff's office.

"Sheriff, hun...we need to work on your braveness", a deep (kind of like Corpse Husband's) southern accent voice spoke up. 'Who is that?', "I know Jasper but....it's hard......considering that we live in Nevada"

I heard a sigh from who I assume is 'Jasper'. "You do know I won't be here to be your body guard forever, and besides...", 'Jasper' pauses for a second, "...I can't bare to see you get hurt"

I roll my eyes and bust down the door. I immediately noticed the new guy push Sheriff behind him.

The guy was about 6 inches taller then Sheriff. He had dark brown hair that was pulled up into a ponytail and stubble on his face. He's wearing a long brown coat, a dark brown shirt, a belt, blackish-brown pants that has a hole on the right knee, blackish-brown gloves that covers all the fingers except the pointer and thumb, and black boots.

 He's wearing a long brown coat, a dark brown shirt, a belt, blackish-brown pants that has a hole on the right knee, blackish-brown gloves that covers all the fingers except the pointer and thumb, and black boots

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"What in tarnation?!", the man pulls out a gun and points it at me. I reach for my pistol....then



I watched Hank's body fall onto the ground as blood leaked from his head. Jasper spins the revolver and puts it back in his gun holster.

He picks up the body and throws Hank out the window. "You good hun?", Jasper turns around and walks up to me holding my cheek.

I place my hand on top of the one on my cheek. I look up to him blushing a bit, "Yeah I'm-I'm fine", Jasper smiles. I noticed a bit of red on his cheeks. "Good ... Love you teddy bear."

Jasper gently kisses my forehead, I let out a small sigh and smile, "Love you too, Jaspy."


I woke up with a headache and massive pain on my back. "Who the fuck was that?", I stood up and got my weapons ready.


I walked up to the Sheriff's office, covered in blood. I, once again, burst down the door.

"HOLY SHIT!", Sheriff yells and hides behind his body guard. Jasper pulls out his revolver and points it at me.

"Partner, if you move a-", I shot my pistol at the southerner. He manged to dodge getting killed but got hit the shoulder. Jasper lets out a yelp of pain.

"Sheriff I need you to hide...now", Sheriff nods and runs off. I went to run after him but felt a sting of pain in my back.

I turn around only to be hit in the face by the southerner. I let out a grunt and pulled out my knife. I swung the knife at him and hit his arm.

The shorter male groans and holds his arm, he then kicks the knife out of my hand. I heard the knife scrape the ground, it's to far to grab it.


I felt another sting of pain in my leg.


Another in my stomach. I quickly grab my pistol and shoot Jasper's revolver out of his hand. The male lets out hiss. I must of hit his hand too. I run over to him and knocked him down. I place my foot on his chest and point the pistol at him.

I hold the trigger......it'll be faster to ask him were the gun is. "Were is the secret gun?", the trapped male looks at me in shock.

"Like I'll fucking tell you bitch", the male under me growled.


I shot him in his other arm. He let out another groan of pain. "I said 'Were is the secret gun?'"

He spits on my face, "Make me bitch."


I shot him in his stomach. He lets out another groan of pain. Jasper weakly looks up, "I rather die then tell you where the gun is."

I got ready to pull the trigger to-

"It's in the secret cabinet hidden behind the poster." I turn around to see Sheriff pointing at the poster he was talking about.

I put my gun away and walk past the cowardly man to look behind poster.


I ran towards Jasper to look at his wounds. "J-Jaspy are-are you okay?! I-I shouldn't have ran away, I-I should've helped.....I'm sorry for being such a coward.....I-", stopping at the feeling of chapped-ish lips gently collide with mine I froze. "Teddy bear.....It's fine....you actually acted a bit brave.....", Jasper gives me a gentle smile.

"You spoke to Hank without stuttering", Jasper places our foreheads together. "....and I'm proud of you for that", I look at my boyfriend/body guard as tears blurred my vision.

I smile at him, as Jasper kisses my forehead and wipes my tears. "Thank you Jaspy" "Your welcome teddy bear."

I hear the door close, I turned around to see that Hank decided to spare us. "Come on, let's get you healed up", I helped Jasper up and let him lean on me. "Okay.....teddy bear", the taller male lets out a chuckle, smiling at me as I led him back to the infirmary.

"Remember, I love you teddy bear....and I will forever."

"I know Jaspy.......*sigh* I know.....love you too."


I was walking back to the base when I encountered some agents, letting out a quiet sigh, I easily killed them all. Getting more blood on me.


I got back to the base covered in blood. "Dude what happened to being sneaky?", I look over to Deimos who's smoking. "I had a run in with some agents......", Deimos shrugs and walks off.

I walk to 2B's lab area....."HANK WHAT THE FUCK?! I said just get the gun and get out!" I looked at the smaller man and told him the same thing I told Deimos.

2B sighs, "Whatever just wash the blood off and get ready for tomorrow." I handed the gun to 2B, and walked away to wash up.


I was finishing changing into some comfortable clothing.



"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!", I rush into the main part of the base or the 'living room' and see a ball....in the middle of the room.

"Deimos it's a ball.....", Sanford spoke up before walking off muttering, ".....fucking idiot." "I heard that Sanford!", Deimos snapped back before we heard a hissing sound. "What the....", Deimos walks over the ball and picked it up.


The ball exploded. In. His. Face. 'Deimos you idiot', I just walked back into my room to play some games alone.

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