The Mysterious New Guy

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While walking on a flat part of one of the hills I noticed some agents coming my way. Thankfully I kept my hook with me. After I killed them I countiued with my walk.

It wasn't long before I noticed another person up on the hill. They weren't like the agents, they were lying on the ground on their stomach...with a gun in their hands.

They clearly didn't notice me as I slowly walked up to them. "Hey chucklehead!", the person jumped almost dropping their gun. A male, Scottish accent spoke, "Oh! Fucking shit!"

He quickly turned around while pulling out a knife in response I quickly grab my hook. We stared at each other, waiting to see who makes the first move. The person slowly puts away his knife, "Dude don't scare people like that. That's how you get yourself killed."

He then laid back down to how he originally was. "Sorry, sorry didn't expect you to be so jumpy.", I decided not to kill him because well, he didn't try to attack me.

I sat down beside him, that's when I took in his features.

His hair is black with red at the ends, it's long and in a ponytail. He also have a...what is ahoge? Yeah I think that's it, an ahoge on the top of his head. The band around his ponytail is also red. He's wearing a black, sleeveless, collared jacket, with the collar popped up. I'm assuming a grey muscle shirt underneath the jacket. He's wearing two necklaces, small one and a longer one with a wooden cross on it. Dark gray pants, black boots, and a black fingerless glove only on his right hand.

(Idk how to draw guns so this is the best your getting to a sniper rifle)

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(Idk how to draw guns so this is the best your getting to a sniper rifle)

Out of curiosity I moved my hand to the ahoge, and touched it. The man laying down jumps a bit, and turns to me. "DUDE! What the fuck! A-At least ask before messing with it."

His face has a small blush dusted across it. I noticed his ahoge was laying against his head away from me. Before I could respond he turned back to looking through the scope on his sniper rifle.

"....You can mess with it...if you want...", he mutter loud enough for me to hear. His ahoge raised back to it original position. I let out a hum and I start to mess with the raised hair strand.

After a bit he suddenly spoke up,"So what's your name?" I paused for a second before responding, "Sanford." "James." "Why are you here?" "Mission."

I let out a hum, as I continued to mess with his ahoge. We talked for a bit, with him shooting the rifle every now and then.

James sat up, and put his sniper over his shoulder. Apparently he has a strap attached to his sniper that I somehow missed. "Welp, Sanford I was nice meeting you. Hope to see soon!", After James' goodbye he jumped off the side.

I was going to grab his arm but I missed. I looked down to see him land on a motorcycle with someone driving. After he landed the person in the front drove off.

I let out a sigh of relief before walking back to the base.


"Yo, chuckleheads! I'm back.", I opened the door to see no one....huh. '2BDamned most likely in his room, Deimos should be asleep, and Hank is either outside killing or in his room training or play videogames.'

I let out a sigh before walking into the kitchen to make food for dinner.


I finished washing the dishes before walking up stairs. I paused in front of Deimos' door, before knocking. No answer. I opened the door just enough to see inside. Deimos was peacefully sleeping on his bed.

I closed the door before walking into my room. I took off my shoes, bandana, and shades. I placed the glasses on the dresser beside my bed. I let out a yawn before laying down to sleep.


I got up, changed, walked down stairs, made breakfast. The normal routine. The four of us, me, Hank, Deimos, and 2BDamned, talked about what the day might be and other shit.

I was washing the dishes when my mind wonder to the man I meet yesterday.....James. 'He's definitely on our side, especially since he didn't attack me....maybe the person on the motorcycle is on our side too. It would make as since since James jumped onto their motorcycle.'

I hummed before, putting the dishes back into their places. "SANFORD!", I jumped, "FUCK!" "Ha, sorry bud. Anyway you're thinking of something. Tell me."

I look to the side 'Should I?' I sigh before telling Deimos about what happened yesterday, during my walk. "Dude....James is one of the people on the posters! Sweet, that means we have a ally or allies..."

I nod, "Yup, I guess we do..", I then walked into the living room/main area to see Hank and 2BDamned talking to each other on the couch.

??? POV

I yawned before grabbing a bar to eat for breakfast. I while walking to my boss's office I grab a coke from one of the vending machines in the break room. "Hey, Auditor. You called me in here for something." The black fire being looked away from his monitors to look at me.

"Yes, yes I did.", his voice echoed, "There is a new team that has been brought to my attention, do you perhaps know about"

I lean against the door frame as I open the coke can, "Yeah I do.." "Tell me about them." I let out a sigh before I take a sip from the can I my hands.

"You gotta give me something first, boss.", I raise a eyebrow as Auditor moves his head as if he's rolling his eyes. I watch him reach into a drawer on his desk and pull out some money, a pack of cigs, and a wine bottle.

"There...", he throws the money and cigs at me while placing the wine bottle on the desk top. I catch the money then the cigs in one hand. I place both objects into my pocket before catching the wine bottle Auditor threw at me.

I smirk, "Why thank you." "Now the information." I let out another sigh, "Well there's three girls and one boy." "A team of four...", I take a drink coke, "Mhm. The agents refer to them as the Jester, the Killer Nurse, the Sniper, and the Leader. Since their wanted posters are covered in blood, covering their names."

I pause a second to take another drink of coke, "Anything else?", I throw the empty can into a near by trashcan. "Names." "Straight to the point", I let out a small chuckle, "I've always liked that about you.~"

Auditor, once again, moves his head as if he was rolling his eyes. "Okay, okay. Just be lucky that I actually know their names. Anyway their names are-"

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