Second Meeting

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I jumped out of the truck and shut the door after I turned it off of course. I noticed Deimos jog over to Hank. 'He's probably gonna ask him about that girl...Jamie..'

I let out a small chuckle before looking over onto the distance. "Hey, Guys I'm going to be gone for a while okay?", I turned back to the other men. Hank nods while Deimos.....Deimos is spacing out again. I let out a quiet sigh before walking away from the base.

I made sure my hook was attached to my belt before running off. 'I don't know why I'm doing this but....I had a feeling that I needed to...' I slowed to a walk before noticed a run down building.

The building was almost the same color as the ground, the roof was black. I noticed a black, dead tree near by the also seems to have a moving truck leaning against the house. The driver part of the truck was on the ground, while the end was on the roof.

"I wonder how that happened...", I mumbled before walking over to the driver side of the moving truck. I opened the door and looked at the key hole. The end of the key was jammed into the hole. I let out a hum before closing the door.

"Ah, Ha! I beat you J!", I heard a female Australian accent come from the top of the house. "Whatever just had a head start that's all.", a familiar male Scottish accent spoke up after the female.

I heard a hum before the female spoke again, "Fuck....there's no more rocks up here..." "Someone must of cleaned them up, Shark." "Most likely Petal..."

'J? Shark? Petal? Who are these guys?' I tried to sneak away from the building, to- "Yo! Who the fuck are you?" I turned around to see the two people on the roof. One was James and the other was the girl Hank was with.....Jamie I believe her name is.

"Shark's just the dude I was hanging with yesterday." "Oh, okay...", Jamie looked off to side with a blank face. "Anyway.....why are you here Camo?", I looked at the brunette in confusion as a smile returns to her face. James rolls his eyes before look at me, "She likes to give nicknames."

A smirk appeared on the male's face. "Oh, well I was just walking around when I noticed this place and-" "Decided to explore?", I looked at the giggling female in shock. "Almost everyone does."

I look over to James who is now sitting down, "Be lucky that I know you...or you don't look like an agent...." James trailed off as Jamie gives a sharp tooth smile, "I would've killed you since you would've been a trespasser.", Jamie finished James' sentence.

My eyes widen, "Jamie stop scaring everyone you meet. I understand that you have murderous urges but don't tell everyone." The brunette crosses her arms and frowns as she sat down next to the black haired man.

"Annyyywwwaaayyyy.....Camo, you wanna throw some rocks with us?", I rose a eyebrow. James chuckles before speaking, "We throw rocks to get our anger and frustrations out. We also throw them as sniping practice." "Oh, thank you but I wouldn't mind watching..."

Jamie stands back up,"Hm, okay...can you at least gives us more rocks?" "Sure.", I then walked around the building picking up rocks and handing them to the two people on the roof. We stopped once they had about 145 rocks on the roof.

"Thanks....", Jamie looks over at me waiting for an answer. 'Oh she wants my name! I thought she was going to use a nickname.' "Sanford." "Thanks Sanford!" "Sanford, you should get up here to avoid getting hit.", the Scottish male spoke up. I simply nod my head before walking over to a wall.

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