Coming Home

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Jiang stood behind her brother, cheering him on against his battle with Mei. "Come on buddy, you got this!" She cried as MK's character landed a hit on Mei's. Ah yes, nothing like a good round of Monkey Mech to start the day right.

Sandy shouted out something. "Okay Sandy, Jiang, I'm trying I'm trying!" MK yelled out as he frantically began pressing the buttons to the game. But, in the end, Mei won.

"Ha! No one can defeat me!" She laughed, shoving her fit in the air with victory. Her phone began ringing, so she walked away to take the call. With her not paying attention, MK gave a small evil chuckle and began to play the game again.

Jiang shook her head a bit, then she noticed Mei's down expression as she got off the phone. "Hey, you okay?" Sandy asked. He too had noticed her change in demeanor.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just-" Mei started to say before MK's laugh of victory drifted over to them. He had beaten Mei's character. No one dwelled on it for very long before Mei started talking again.

"My parents, they want me to, house sit" she said. "And, that's a bad thing?" Sandy asked, confused. "No! Uh, me and my parents, we-" Mei started to say before MK cut her off.

"Uh, did Mei say sleepover at her house?!" He cried. "What? No! My parents would not-" Mei said before MK shouted "Sleepover!!".

"I've always wanted to see inside Mei's secret dragon house full of secret dragon stuff" he added quietly to Jiang. "Come on, please? Please please please please please please?" He begged Mei, who sighed. "Sleepover it is" she said with a resigned tone.

"Aw yeah! The sleepover's gonna be awesome!" MK's voice slowly faded into the background as Jiang noticed Mei staring at something. Turning around, it took her a second to spot the cloaked figure with a large straw circle hat on the other side of the street. The hat blocked their face, but Jiang had a sneaking suspicion that whoever it was was staring at the group.

Or maybe just one person in particular. Moving herself so that she blocked Mei from the stranger's sight, Jiang placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder. "Hey, it'll be alright. Besides. Not only do I know how to clean things up and make it look like we were never there, I also know how to fight. So if something happens, your covered. Trust me" she said, keeping her voice low so that only Mei heard her.

Her words seemed to help as Mei gave her a thankful smile. Later on, the entire group stood outside the dragon house, though it looked more like a small palace. "Wow! It's even better then I imagined! Growing up here must've been great!" MK cried as he looked around.

Not even Jiang could hould back the look of awe and amazement as she took in everything down to the tiniest detail. "Uh, yeah, I guess. But, I don't know. When I was growing up, I just wanted to be rough and tumbled, break stuff, look at bugs, you know, have fun. Just, like, normal girl stuff. But when your house is pretty much a museum and you come from a long line of ancient noble dragons, that's kinda, frowned on" Mei said. "Anyway, onwards to the definitely not gonna be terrible sleepover" she said in a cheerful tone, though Jiang thought it sounded a bit forced.

MK and Sandy both zoomed over to the doors while Jiang stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets, staying behind with Mei as they came over more slowly. However, the dragon head that was built there scanned the two, and weapons instantly appeared, all aiming at MK and Sandy. Mei rushed forward and typed something in, which made the weaponry disappear.

"Yeah, my parents are a bit serious about the old security thing" she said before the doors began to open. "Welcome home. Mei" said a male automated voice system. "Yeah" Mei said.

Jiang widened her eyes as she took in everything. "This is amazing!" MK cried out. Multiple stone statues wearing dragon armor stood in perfect lines.

And even more ancient artifacts were spotted here and there. "My gods!" Jiang breathed. "What is all this stuff?" Sandy asked.

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