Secrets We Keep: Chapter Six

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John was calling her name, but Credence couldn't hear his voice above the din in her ears.

Her blood felt hot and her mind was full of vengeful thoughts.

She had nothing to take her anger out on.

All she could do was continue moving.

She stopped when her vision began to cloud. John had given up his pursuit, and when Credence finally paused she found herself in a field of dark grass and blue mushrooms.

The towns was a good distance behind her, so small it looked like a fairy village.

She wanted to destroy something. She flicked her wrist and sent fire into the grass, but it didn't catch, only died into nothing.

His damned world must be shielded.

Credence balled her fists and threw her head back, letting out a scream of frustration. She wished for the terrible magic to come to her again, that mysterious force that could crumble buildings and crack the ground. She wanted to tear the Collector's world to pieces.

If only Lilith had begun her lessons sooner. If only the hag had taught Credence something useful.

Credence held onto her anger, trying to draw energy from the moonless sky, but it proved fruitless. When she could bear failure no longer, she fell to the ground and ripped handfuls of grass from the field, throwing them in a great fit of anger. She beat against the dirt and yelled and cried until she was exhausted.

She felt eyes watching her, and she turned to the woods to catch whoever it was—

Only the trees stared back.

Unless the spy was hiding inside of them.

Fueled by cruel intent, she pulled fire into her palm and focused on a singular tree standing near the outskirts of the woods.

Hurt, she thought, I want to destroy you, I want to rejoice in your ruin.

She hurled the fire at the tree and watched it soar across the field. It landed within the tree's branches and sizzled into nothing. With no other focus but to tear it down, Credence ran towards the tree, flinging flame after flame that died upon impact.

When she reached the tree she put her hands on its trunk and squeezed, and to her mind came the image of bark crushing under her grip.

The wood did not give in, but her aim to destroy came to life in a shocking way.

The tree trembled and a low groan came from within it.

The bark was warm, and its heat grew until Credence was forced to let go.

Cracks split across it, from the base of its trunk to the highest of its branches. Light shot into the cracks, a blistering red that made the tree look like it was burning from the inside. Credence stood back, marveling in horror as things began to crawl from the red: Long, thin arms, vines, that grew and wrapped around every last inch of the tree until it was covered, with not a speck of wood left to be seen.

Then came a dangerous crack from beneath the vines. They choked the tree until it split and toppled forward, and Credence had to scramble out of its path.

It hit the ground with a thunderous boom.

Silence fell over the world.

Credence cautiously approached the remains of what she had done. The tree was no longer a tree, but a mass of black rot and vines. Smoke rose from the pile, bringing the scent of burned wood to her nose. It was only now that she was close that Credence could see hundreds of slender thorns adorning the charred vines.

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