Chapter 38: Meeting Maya

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"Ri, This place is... not as empty as I thought it would be", my mother said quietly as she looked around Shae's apartment. The Fae bright slowly growing brighter with each second.  The yellow star hung low in the western sky, telling me we arrived late in the day.  I landed on the mossy floor near the table, and dropped my pack that held my gown.

I nodded with humble pride but before I could answer my attention was pulled to my father who was inspecting the photographs on my wall.

"What are these called"? He asked as he turned to face me.

"They are called photo's," I said stepping up to join in his inspection. "Aren't they incredible"?

He spoke slowly, with gentle fascination. "To say the least".

"RI! There's only one mound up here"! Alm called from the upper level. I turned to see him poking his head out from the hole in the ceiling.

"Yeah, I thought you would want to stay with Owen and I".

"Really"? He dropped down from the room, his voice cracking slightly.

"Yes", I chuckled noting the crack. "Owen and I set up a bed at the house for you and—"

"—YES"! His voice cracked again confirming my suspicion that he indeed was growing up faster than I expected. He cleared his throat when he saw my grin.

"Alm dear, I think it best if you stay with us", my mom added gently. My father left his scrutinization's of the photos and crossed the space to join my mother.

Alms eyes grew wide with frustration before his tone took an impudent turn, "So, Ri can mate  a human, but I can't stay with one? One who is now practically  my brother"?

My dad belted out a laugh before stepping in, placing  a reassuring hand low at her back. "Sweetling, it will be fine". He glanced at her thoughtfully.

I gave my mother a pleading smile, as we all grew silent to awaiting her verdict. "Fine", she said reluctantly with a sigh. "Fine. But Ri, Allow your father and I to settle in. I-I can't handle anymore introductions. Not today. Meeting the Mer has... exhausted my nerve".

My wings fluttered as I smiled, unable to hide my delight. I didn't feel the need to tell her that I had already planned on giving her a time to adjust to the otherworld before introducing her to Owen. And after how she reacted to Meeks.... I knew she needed the time. 

"Sure! Whatever you need—as long as you can attend the ceremony. But I will also have a large breakfast set up for all of us tomorrow".

"The ceremony is when"? My dad asked with a smile as he walked across the room to my mother.

"I need to ask Owen. I'm not sure just how much time has passed, so we can discuss that tomorrow morning over breakfast". I nodded strongly as Alm walked up next to me awaiting my que.

"Everything here is self-explanatory", I said turning partially towards the exit. "Drinking water, Bathing water. Food is wrapped in the plastic cloth", I gestured to listed items and noted their confusion to the word 'plastic'.

"Plastic is the clear wrapping and I'll be back in the morning to check in... Shae can you run through the safety measures"?

Shae creaked, and my mom jumped at vocal my tree.

"Thank you", I said with my hands on my hips as I turned to look at Alm with a content sigh. My eyes sparked as my voice hushed, "Race you". And I took off out the entrance.

"Hey"! I heard Alm scream from inside. I looked back to see him chasing me with a huge smile.

We raced to the house as he followed me to Owen's bedroom window. I landed inside on the windowsill, gleaming at my fast-approaching brother before I froze at the sight of my room. Alm landed beside me, noting my consternation, as concern and confusion drifted across my face. The room was uncharacteristically empty.

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