Chapter 36: Shrunk

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We were only a month away from the date we set for the wedding, I had been growing flowers around the house, as well as out next to Shae. I had sent my mother a letter weeks ago, informing her of my plan.

It was a gorgeous day. The sun was shining, and the sky was blue, though it wasn't too hot. I was drinking a cup of water inside Shae as we talked about some events to come. I had just completed warping 2 new levels; a bedroom and adjacent washroom one level above, and a large catchment above that comparable to fae plumbing. I also warped new channels for the catchment, so that the water could funnel into the washroom and kitchen easily. Stairs leading to my balcony were also a new addition, and I had moved my bed and trunk to the upper level, as well as moved my make shift table to where my bed had once been.

I didn't mind my little room the way it was, but I knew my mother would feel more comfortable in an organized space that was more... Well, more. I had spent hours talking to Shae as we both put in the work to reorganize my old home, which was now a full Fae apartment for guests. Guests that I expected to be my parents. And I was so proud of Shae's new look.

I wonder if the chain would work on him, I thought, wishing so badly that he could see the work Shae and I had done. It only felt fair to give Shae credit as well, considering without her none of this would have been possible. I sighed in contentment, my hands on my hips, as I reached out to Owen with the calling.

Owen! Come out to Shae, I want to try something.

He didn't respond, but I knew he'd make his way out here eventually. He had been cleaning out the largest bedroom—the master's room, as Owen calls it—that was filled with boxes as wells as a lot of his mother's belongings. 

We didn't discuss my accidental time trip much, but I had gathered a lot of his feelings empathetically by now. His mother was the most important person in his life, and as much as he loved the thought of me meeting her, he couldn't help but be resentful. And after sorting through his emotion, I knew he wasn't resentful towards me. He resented the fact that he wasn't able to see her again. And he was jealous I did. At least, that's what I speculated. He was open, yes. But I didn't dare press the sensitive subject, knowing how difficult it was for him.

Though my wings lit up my back, I climbed up my newly warped steps to my balcony and leaned onto it as I waited for him. I relished the soft breeze caressing my skin, when an unfamiliar voice startled me.

"What is a sweetling like yourself doing in such a dangerous realm", the slimy voice slipped through my ears. My attention swung to my left to see a tall, scarred, darkhaired Fae with maroon eyes and blood-red wings, hovering a foot above me.

"I could ask you the same question", I said flatly. I took a step back, my wings twitching upright behind me. He could see my apprehension, and maybe he felt some of my fear. I couldn't help the fear; I knew I could fight him easily, but I didn't want to have to do that. Fighting the dark-user was enough of a battle to last a fae's lifetime.

"Humorous", he derided. "How does a young girl like you get herself banished from Avalon"?

He drifted closer, his tan skin seemingly branded by the sun. I shot from the balcony, through shoes branches and towards the house, but my flight was cut short when he darted in front of me with arms outstretched. For a moment, it shocked me how fast he was. I noted the size of his wings, and concluded that he had to have been banished for some time to gain such speed-strength. I crossed my arms and glared as I internally reminded myself not to underestimate an older Fae; He very well could have been banished during the Wars.

"For being powerful", I hissed. He didn't need to know that I could return, that was one of the first rules I learned before traveling to the Otherworld; Avoid the Banished Fae. Such unseelie beings would be quick to harm you, and would try to regain entrance back to Avalon. He took in my words as his eyes wandered from mine.

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