Chapter 7: 2 Months

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I spent as much time with Owen as I could. The weeks passed quickly, and most of my days consisted of relentlessly asking him questions as he worked on his house. I started to think of him less as a spectacle and more of a very large friend. And I started to notice that he asked me more in depth questions as well as prolonged eye contact. Which was an observation that I discussed with Shae, who pointed out that 'maybe he avoided staring to spare me discomfort'. Which I wholeheartedly agreed with. I had grown more comfortable around him, and even started to trust him as I would a close friend.

I had learned so much about him and his world in a short amount of time. Just as he had learned about mine. Empathy for example; the fae are able to pick up on and feel others emotions fairly easily. However, there were still certain topics I avoided, like where I lived and the location of my portal. Which he knew I wasn't ready to share, so he kindly avoided the topic for me. It was growing a little bit colder every day, and the next three days I spent with Shae due to rain. Which Shae and I took full advantage of considering I spent so much time with Owen.

After discussing much with my willow, I made a humorous realization: I came here prepared to be alone... But after being here over 3 months, I had made the most unlikely of friends; A tree and a Human.

Shae told me the night before, that the rain would die off. So, this morning I got dressed knowing I'd see Owen. Sure enough, the rain died mid-morning. And I took off to Owen's after an early lunch with Shae. I flew the familiar path to Owen's bedroom window which was always left open for me. I landed on his 'windowsill' to see he was sitting at his 'desk' with attention on his laptop.

I flew over to him watching the laptop, and after a few silent seconds slowly began my decent, landing atop the desk to the right of him.

"Hey stranger", he said with a smile, "Where have you been the past couple days"?

"I don't fly in the rain" I chuckled out, as if he should already have known that.

"And why is that"? He turned back towards the laptop and continued 'typing'.

I clicked my tongue, "U-uh, rain can be dangerous for someone my size".

"Oh, no wonder you come here at odd times when it rains", he looked down at me with a smile, "I should have put that together".

"You should have, Mister 'I'm observant'", I laughed comfortably, "what are you looking at"?

"I'm trying to find some movers to move in the rest of my furniture".

"Oh! I for some reason figured you just liked the house empty". And I genuinely did.

"No", he shook his head with a chuckle, "I was just waiting to finish the house first".

"So, it is all finished then"? I asked excitedly.

"Yes Ma'am", he said looking at me with a proud smile as he pulled out his phone. I watched him 'dial' the numbers and heard the phone start to 'ring'. Ma'am, I giggled internally. He was definitely a gentleman, which was odd to me considering I felt our friendship had grown past that point; but then again, I was used to Marv who became less gentlemanly the stronger our friendship grew.

"Hi, my name is Owen Daniels. I'd like to inquire about hiring some movers for my furniture", he said and stood up from the 'desk'. He moved away from the desk creating a comfortable distance for me and started pacing. I had noticed he always paced when speaking with someone on the phone, which I found entertaining considering I normally paced whenever I asked him in-depth questions.

"Great, thank you... You too", he said finishing the 'call' and then put his phone into his back pocket.

"All set up"?

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