Chapter 6: Coin

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I flew into the trees and back to Shae. I had decided to cut up some fig for lunch as I told Shae about my almost meltdown and about my morning.

"And now that I think about it, Avalon is small... and you know what"?

Shae creaked.

"The day I left was the day my world got bigger, this entire world is now mine to explore! And you know what else"? I took a small bite of fig.

Shae creaked.

"I am so small in this world that it makes my new  world even bigger and even more exciting"!

Shae was quiet.

"Shae? ....Are you upset?... Are you thinking that I may leave you behind"?

The tiniest vibration came through my feet.

"Oh Shae, I'm sorry". I knelt down and touched the floor, "you do know that I will always come back to you right"?

Another tiny vibration.

"Shae.. Do you know if there's any way I can communicate with you while I travel"?

Shae creaked and moaned, Explaining to me that other Willows could pass the message if I asked them to.

"H-mm. Well then, that's what I'll do. Wherever I go, I will ask a Willow to send you a message and I will always come back home", I promised as I stood up from Shae's floor.

Three hours had passed before I made my way back to Owen. He was mixing grey mud in an orange bucket, and I watched him curiously for about 30 min before I flew back inside through the open window in his bedroom.

I quickly flew to one of the beams staying out of sight, and dangled my legs off as I watched him contently. I watched him silently as I used to with the many trades-fae I would apprentice in Avalon. He was pouring this Gray mixture onto what had to have been a mold of the countertop.

"What are you doing", he asked, catching me off guard.

"How did you know I was here"? I questioned as I adjusted myself on the beam.

"I'm observant", he chuckled as he evened out the mixture.

"Well, I can be pretty sneaky if I want to be", I added attempting to make him believe that he noticed me only because I allowed it.

"Oh, like the time you fell asleep on the fig tree"?

"What"? I choked out and nearly slipped of the beam in surprise.

He laughed and looked up at me, "you were sound asleep on the fig tree... It was actually the first time I saw you up close".

My jaw dropped before I questioned him loudly, "How did you even know I was there"?

"I saw you sneak over there from the window", he smiled playfully and began to mix more of the powder with water in a different bucket. I shivered at the thought of how dangerous that could have been if I were discovered by a different human.

"Which reminds me", he paused and looked back up at me, "Where do your wings go"?

"Well, they aren't actually attached to my body... they are attached to my spirit".

He squinted up at me in confusion.

"They are magic, I conjure them with my magic".

"Ah-h", he smiled with a nod and returned to stirring, "Oddly, that makes more sense to me".

"Yeah, and because every Fae is different, so are their wings".

"Oh cool , so no one has the same wings as you"?

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