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'Was it for redemption?

Was it for revenge?

Was it for the bottle?

Was it for the ledge?

Was it for the thrill of pushing my hope to the edge?

Why did love, why did love put a gun in my hand?'

"The bar?!" I blinked my wide eyes at the now-familiar neon sign, waiting for the last black dots to vanish and making sure to take all the details around before jumping to conclusions once again.

But no, I recognized the washed-out gray facade, the large windows letting glimpse already the crowded interior, and the shadows of the street that had sent shivers down my spine the first time I'd been there. I was sure we were at the 'Drillin' bar, and I let my stomach fall down lower.

It wasn't disappointment, just the weight of everything I'd kept pushing back and that hadn't got to lift with the too-quick motorcycle ride, along with the flutters of curiosity dying down. Maybe I also hadn't expected this kind of surprise from Blade...

He'd always been reluctant to bring me here, and nothing that had happened there was arguments to change his mind. So a surprise here?

"Yeah, the boss isn't around, so I've a last-minute job to do for him, and then, we beat feet." He shrugged casually, too casually when his dimple was peeking out. "Don't tell me you thought my surprise was here?!"

"You made me close my eyes and parked god knows where!" I gasped, my arm gestures widening, just like his smirk with each of my words, and he was wearing his full Cheshire cat's grin when I finished, "And you carried me all the way, saying I had to hold tightly because the ground was sloping!"

I didn't need to mention the road was flat all around, and that he'd held me by my butt, my legs wrapped tightly around him. The bad intention was already shining enough in his clear eyes.

"I've never promised anything," he defended with both his hands up, which looked everything but innocent, even now that he'd taken off his bandage.

"You're..." I shook my head, searching for the words.

Unpredictable, tricky, devious, crazy...

"My evil genie."

There were no better words as he threw me a wink, opening the door for me, and my stomach fluttered with the tickle of laughter. It was once more his bad intentions, his magic powers, that made the mess I was flying high.

He was already making me forget, and our date hadn't even started. So I followed him with a smile and our hands intertwined as we walked into the bar.

"It won't take more than three minutes," he explained, probably noticing my attention going straight to the same corner.

I'd been there quite a few times already, so my eyes barely skimmed over the scary-looking people in leather jackets scattered all around, not even widening anymore at the couples already making out on some booths, and I avoided the dark backside as the shivers down my spine weren't fading as fast as the marks on my skin.

The room wasn't as crowded as Friday, but still well-filled for a Sunday early night, and I smiled at a few familiar faces, while Blade nodded around, his dangerous aura making everyone notice us – unless it was the red stain on my white shirt?

GUN IN MY HANDWhere stories live. Discover now