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'You are more than enough, don't change

You are more than enough

Don't let the demons get you down

You'll be where nothing can break you

When love is on your side, it's a beautiful life'


"Oh no, fucking hell!"

What a greeting! I stopped dead in my tracks as soon as I opened the old creaky door, though it wasn't because of the 'welcoming' shout coming from another room, nor the bang echoing with it. Those were usual around here, and even the loud squeak following wasn't surprising.

What was preventing me from taking one step were the cardboard boxes everywhere around the entrance hall. If it was the entrance hall? Because except for the little I could see of the dark wooden walls and counter, it was unrecognizable.

I would have thought I was at the wrong address if a ball of fur hadn't been running towards me, and he didn't look bothered by the mess around as he jumped and weaved between the boxes to crash into my legs the next second.

"Meteorite! Hey, fella." I took the raccoon in my arms as the little bastard scratched my pants – not so 'little' actually.

He'd grown up more than I'd imagined, and I could feel the weight of the too many crackers Pete had spoiled him with on my forearms.

It was hard to believe it was the same ball of fur that had been shaking and bleeding in my hands six months ago.

Now, he didn't even flinch at my glare as his small paws gripped my shirt, and he licked my nose. But he still had those fucking little puppy eyes, and that was probably the only reason he still had his tongue, when most would already be dead on the floor if they tried to do the same.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. You were worried, and you missed me." I chuckled, brushing the back of his head, a spot that still made him purr. A little bit more, and he would fall asleep.

But it was another beast that rushed towards us.

"Meteorite! What's the– Blade?!" Raymond squeaked as high as Meteorite, and even if the old man was less agile than the raccoon, he crossed the cluttered room as fast, pouncing on me with two open arms, and I leaned away before he could even think of pulling out his tongue.

"I get that the plan worked? Where's your girlfriend?"

"Don't worry. She's at her parents', and she'll– Wait." I stopped, mid-shrug, to narrow my eyes at his cheeky grin. "How do you know Dorothy's chosen me?"

"I didn't until now. But it was obvious. I know how to recognize love when I see it."

To think that if he'd told me those same words a few months ago, I would have been freaking out and probably have got the hell away, and now, I was sharing his dumb smile as I remembered all the times he'd pushed me to fight for her and even just invite her on a date.

"And why aren't you with her? Do I have to kick your ass for you to meet her parents too? As her boyfriend, you'll have to make a good impression."

Here he was with his 'wise old man' advice, a little too late though.

"That's already done," I replied, chuckling at the memories of the impression I'd made. "But she wanted to have a one-to-one talk with them while her sister was still at home too. She'll come after the Thanksgiving meal."

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