When his daughter shows up at your doorstep // pt 3

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When you arrived at your apartment, Lia was already waiting in front of your door. The moment she saw you she got up and ran towards you "What did he say?" you sighed "Let's get inside and I will tell you everything" she followed you inside and when you closed the door you took her to your living room. You told her everything. That Jessica knew her mother, what she said to Minho and how he did everything she told him to just because he was afraid. After you were done talking Lia had tears in her eyes. She wiped them away "Y/n... How do we get him out of that? How do we make sure Jessica leaves us alone?" you sighed. You had no idea where to even begin. You didn't want to lie to her "I don't know Lia. I simply don't know. I wish there was something we can blackmail her with. Or just some kind of evidence we can bring to the police." she started thinking if there is anything like that. "Maybe... maybe we don't have anything she did until now, but I am sure she is not as smart as she thinks she is. I am sure she is doing something she is not allowed to, she just hadn't been caught yet. What if we follow her?" She was right. At this very moment you had nothing against Jessica, following her could definitely change that. You made a deal. Lia will make sure to watch what she is doing in the house and she will search through all of her stuff, with hope she will find something. 

You on the other hand will make sure to follow her and get any suspicious activity on camera. With that she left your apartment and promised to come back tomorrow.

Two weeks after you were desperate. You were following Jessica around, but didn't find any suspicious activity. Lia was also frustrated because she went through all of her files in the house. She told you Minho tried sneaking into her office, but also didn't find anything. You had nothing on her. There was not a single thing you could have used against her. Lia was sitting in front of you, her head hanging low. She was obviously exhausted from all of this. You were too. And you could've only imagined how Minho was feeling. It was hard for all of you. "What are we going to do now? Y/n we can't do anything! She is not going to go away just like that. And there is no way to escape her!" you nodded your head. That was true. "Imagine how dad is feeling..." no you couldn't imagine it. You haven't seen him in two weeks, and you missed him. Then something that Lia said comes back to your head. "Wait... Lia, what did you say?" she looked at you confused "Umm... imagine how is dad feeling?" "No, before that" "We can't do anything against her and that we can't escape her?" escape. That sounded like the only way out of this situation. "What if we do exactly that? What if we just disappear and start all over in another city, as a family?" she just looked at you with wide eyes not blinking.

"What do you mean?" "I mean would your dad want to sell the company and come with me and you? Start all over again? We can even go to another country. Right now, I don't see any other way." "But what if she does to your family everything she threatened she would?" "She won't if my family moves as well. All her information will be useless." She looked like she was really considering that option. "I have to talk to dad. You should go to his office and suggest that. If he says yes, we are running away." you were shocked she agreed so quickly. "Lia, what about your friends here?" "I don't care about them. None of them truly care about me. I want my dad to be happy and I want you to come back. I am tired of everything that has been happening for the last four, almost five months. If running away is my only option, I will gladly take it." she then walked past you and she was ready to go home "I will tell him today, but please go to his office tomorrow" "I will" she nodded her head and left your apartment.

Next morning you were in front of Minho's office again, ready to go in and suggest the idea to him. You walked inside without knocking and he immediately raised his head. You came towards him and he asked you to sit on his lap. You did exactly what he asked before attaching your lips with his. He pulled away and put his forehead on yours. Then he broke the silence "Lia told me about your idea." "So? What do you say?" "I am already making sure my company is in good hands. I already signed everything. Tomorrow I officially won't be a CEO anymore" your eyes widened. 

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