When his daughter shows up at your doorstep // pt 2.

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You couldn't sleep that night. You felt something was not right. Lia wouldn't have come to your place in that condition if everything was okay. You started thinking about the events that have taken place four months ago. He just suddenly came home from work, saying he fell out of love and that you need to break up. He said he found somebody else. You remembered he refused to look you in your eyes. You felt like he was not saying something and you had the same feeling today. He was hiding something from you and Lia, you were 100% certain of that. But how do you find out what it is? It was currently 4 pm, and you heard a knock on your door. You opened it and Lia immediately hugged you. You looked at her face and saw that it was stained from crying. You sighed heavily. You couldn't look at her like this. It was breaking your heart. "Hey Lia. What happened?" she sat on the couch in your living room before speaking again "Jessica insulted me again" Jessica? Was that her name? "Jessica? You mean-" "The bitch dad is dating" you nodded your head. "She screamed at dad as well." your gaze immediately turned towards her "She was insulting him and mom, and he was just sitting there. Like... I have never seen him acting like that. He would never let somebody disrespect him or mom like that. Yet, he just sat there and took everything she was saying without a word" That was definitely weird.

Minho wasn't a person who would just quietly sit down while somebody is yelling at him. Especially saying bad stuff about his dead lover. You couldn't manage to understand what was happening to him. "Lia, have you noticed that your dad is acting differently? I mean has he been acting the same as when I was in the house?" that question got her thinking "Actually, now that you say it like that, yes he has been acting differently. He is working more than he was before. He is almost never home. And even when he is, he is mostly quiet. And he is not spending time with me like he was before. I don't remember when was the last time we spoke like father and daughter. He is either raising his voice at me or shushing me down and telling me to go to my room. He never did that Y/n" Now you were even more sure in your theory. Something was definitely off. What about his behaviour towards Jessica? "How does he act towards her? Is it the same as it was with me?" she shook her head as a no "No. It is completely different. He never buys her anything and I have never seen him showing her affection. He looks like he tolerates her because somebody told him to." Because somebody told him to. That would actually make sense. Why would he break off your 8 years old relationship out of nowhere? "What are you thinking?" Lia seemed curious about your thoughts. "Is it possible that he was forced to break up with me and be with her?" she blinked a few times, like she wasn't even thinking of that option.

"I mean, let's look at the facts. I know we don't talk about it often, but he is the CEO of a company. He was dating me, the most average person ever. What if all of this is somebody's plan? I saw him only yesterday, but I know your father Lia. He is not acting like himself." Tears were visible in her eyes. "How do we help him Y/n?" "Well first, we have to be sure our theory is accurate. If he is actually in love with her, and he broke up with me because he wants to be with another woman, then there is nothing I can do'' she nodded "How do we start?" "You will have a huge role in all of this okay? Is it possible to find out who that Jessica bitch is? Which family is she from?" "Yes it is. She has all her documents in a safe in the house. I will find everything we need there" you nodded your head "Okay. But be careful, okay? Don't get caught." she smiled "Don't you worry. I want to help my dad, and nobody can stop me" Two days later Lia showed up with pictures of everything you needed. "You were right Y/n. Look what I have found out." you were carefully listening, making sure you don't miss any details. She continued "I found a key to her safe in her wallet. I stole it from her and found these in the safe." she was showing you printed pictures of documents. "According to this, Kang Jessica is from a rich family. I dug a little bit harder into it. Her father is the CEO of one company here. The problem is they almost went bankrupt. Now I will let you try and guess. When did that happen?" you raised your head up and looked into her eyes "4 months ago?" 

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