Prank gone wrong // oneshot

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Y/n's p.o.v.

You were sitting on your couch, thinking hard. You were a youtuber and you ran out of ideas for a video. You were supposed to upload something 5 days ago, but ideas just didn't have any intention to come any time soon. You were desperate because you already googled a lot, and couldn't find anything you like.

You were scrolling down the other youtube channels, hoping something would catch your eye. After about 5 minutes, something definitely did. You saw a girl who decided to prank her boyfriend by "confessing" she cheated on him. His reaction was so sweet and people seem to like that type of videos a lot.

You checked the clock and saw that your boyfriend, Minho, is supposed to be home in 2 hours, which gives you enough time to settle everything up, and start a prank when he comes home. You filmed the intro of your video and set 3 cameras in your living room, where the prank was going to take place, and decided to watch some TV until he comes home.

Time skip: 2 hours later

It was almost time for Minho to come home, so you decided to go to the bathroom and prepare yourself. It wasn't hard for you to start crying on purpose, so that was exactly what you did. You also put mascara on your eyelashes so it would be more believable that you really cheated on him. As you were looking at yourself in the mirror, you heard the front door opening, which was a signal for a prank to begin. You took your phone and turned the cameras on and then inhaled one large breath before coming out of the bathroom.

You opened the door and saw him going out of the hall, where he took his shoes off. He noticed you and smiled widely. He started walking towards you and his smile disappeared when he saw your cheeks stained from crying. He approached you and wanted to hug you but you backed one step away from him. "Baby? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" you sniffed once before answering "I have something to confess to you. It has been bothering me for a while now and I just can't keep doing this to you." he looked confused. "What is it?" you walked past him and sat on the couch of the living room.

He came after you and sat on the opposite side of you, which is exactly what you wanted, because one camera that you set was now filming directly him, and his reaction is going to be captured perfectly. You started sniffing and rubbing your eyes again before speaking "Minho... We have been together for 2 years and I really really love you, which is why I can't keep lying to you." "You are scaring me.. What's happening Y/n?" "I have been seeing someone else for 6 months now" he paused for a second to process what you just said.

And then.. He just chuckled. That's the reaction?? You were confused. Did he find the camera or something? "Well, it is easier for both of us then." your eyes widened "What's that supposed to mean?" "That means I have been seeing someone for 8 months to be more precise. I have been looking for a way to tell you but you just made it easier for me. I don't love you anymore, but I knew you were going to be hurt so I was just delaying when and where I am going to tell you."Your heart shattered and you were visibly upset. Tears started falling out of your eyes." "Minho... What are you saying?? What does this mean?" he rolled his eyes "This means that I don't have feelings for you anymore and that I have someone. Someone who I am happy with. Someone who I truly love." you started sobbing even harder "Why are you crying so hard? You just admitted you have been seeing someone else behind my back, so therefore, we are equal." you couldn't think about anything.

At that moment cameras that were still recording everything didn't matter one bit. You just lifted your head and asked him one question" "How? How did this happen Minho? What did I do wrong?" "What do you mean? You didn't do anything wrong. It just happened." "Who is this person you have been seeing?" "Oh, she is a new staff member in our company. She started working 8 months ago and she caught my eye right away. She is beautiful. I love her so much." those words he was saying now were just salt to your wound. Why was he telling you how he felt about her? Does he see what state you are in?" "What about you? What happened with you?" he asked and titled his head to the side.

You rubbed your eyes because you needed to confess that you actually didn't find anyone and this whole thing was just a prank. You got up from the couch and took the nearest camera in you hand and turned it off. "It was a prank Minho. I needed a video for a youtube channel. I wanted to prank you and have a good content but now I just want you gone. I don't want to hear another word from you or see your face" ou were angry, sad and disappointed at the same time. He didn't seem to care that you actually didn't have anyone. He just got up and started walking out of your apartment.

You couldn't believe your eyes "That's it? You are not going to say anything?" he turned around "Didn't you just say you don't want to hear another word from me?" he answered and started smiling "What's so funny? You think this is a joke? You cheated on me and you think that is funny?" he cleared his throat "No no, I don't it is just-" "You know what I don't care. Get out. I don't want to see you." his eyes widened when you started walking towards him. You opened the door and pushed him outside of the apartment, immediately falling on the floor and hugging your knees and crying your eyes out.

Minho's p.o.v.

Okay I crossed the line. When I heard the person I love more than anyone in the world crying that much on the other side of the door I couldn't help but feel bad. I didn't cheat. I would never do that. They meant to me more than anyone. I saw the cameras when I walked into the living room. The one that was clearly filming my face. The moment they told me they cheated on me I knew they were lying. They told me once that they hated cheaters the most and they would never do that to the person they love. Therefore I knew I wasn't cheated on. I just didn't want to admit it, so I decided to go with the flow. I knew their reaction was going to be bad, but I didn't expect this much tears and kicking me out. I smiled before they pushed me out because I couldn't hold it in anymore. I almost bursted out laughing.

I turned towards the door again and heard sniffs coming from the other side of the door. I started banging as loud as possible. "Y/n please let me in. I need to explain. Please. Just listen to me." I heard sniffing stopped, and 2 seconds later the door opened. "What? What do you need to explain? Do you enjoy seeing me cry?" How could you say something like that? I walked in the apartment and closed the door behind me. "No. Of course I don't enjoy seeing you cry. Especially because of me. I just wanted to say that I didn't cheat on you."

They pause for a second and looked at me confused "What? You just said you did. You said-" "Forget everything I said. I would never cheat on you" "But why did you say it then? You think I will trust you just like that?" I started laughing. "I said that because I saw the camera. You can check the tape. In one moment I looked directly into the camera so you would believe me later" they sighed and covered their face with their hands. "Oh my God.. I am so stupid.." "No, you are not. But now you know that you can't mess with me like that." I said and started laughing. They approached me and hit my shoulder. I pulled them into a tight hug after that. "Don't ever do something like that Minho. I thought that I lost you" "Hey...I promise I would never do something like that. You are the only person I love and the only person I will ever love. Okay? You are stuck with me." I said and kissed them. They just laughed "I wouldn't want to be stuck with anyone else." we kissed again "By the way, cameras are still filming" "What?" "What? I didn't think about turning the cameras off at that moment. I had bigger things to worry about" we laughed together again "Well let me see what you filmed. I want to see your reaction one more time" they playfully rolled their eyes and I laughed out loud again.

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