When his daughter shows up at your doorstep // pt 1.

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Y/n's p.o.v.

It has been 4 months since you and Minho broke up. You were dating for 8 years and you thought everything was going fine, until one day he came home from work and said that he fell out of love. Your heart shattered when you heard that, but one sentence that broke you completely was "I found someone else". 8 years was a long time to be with somebody, so you never thought about how your life would be without him, and of course, his daughter Lia. She is currently 17, and you accepted her as your own. Her biological mother died in a car accident one year before you and Minho met. He didn't have any intention of dating again, but when he met you, your connection was istant. You both started dating after 2 months. Lia was only 9 back then and she didn't like the idea of her dad being with another woman. You didn't want to replace her mom, you knew you could never do that, but you wanted to have a decent relationship with her. In the end she accepted you, and you two became really good friends. When Minho broke up with you, you didn't just lose the love of your life, you lost the person who meant like a real daughter to you. You wanted to stay in contact with her, but Minho said that he doesn't want that, because according to him, "It will be easier for Lia to move on and accept his new girlfriend." 

You didn't want to argue with him. At the end of the day, she is his daughter. He should know what is the best for her. Even though it has been four full months, it was still hard for you to move on. You missed both of them. You went to work every day, had the same routine, but it was hard for you. It felt like one part of you went missing the moment you left their house. You clicked the button and turned the vacuum cleaner off. It was 6 pm and you were really tired. You had a day off from work today and you spent the whole day cleaning, doing laundry and just arranging stuff around the house. You recently bought some new furniture so you knew this needed to be done. You just layed down on the couch in the living room and started scrolling through your instagram feed when a bell on the door rang. You opened the door and didn't have time to see who it was because they immediately pulled you in a tight hug. You felt your shirt getting wet and you realised who it was right away. "Lia? What are you doing here? What happened?" she sobbed in your shoulder "Please Y/n... please come back... I-I can't handle it anymore." Since she was crying hard, you couldn't understand what she was saying. You pulled back from the hug. "Hey... let's calm down okay? I'm sure that we can solve whatever upset you. Let's get in the living room and you will explain what happened." she nodded and you led her towards the couch. When she sat down you brought her a glass of water. 

After a couple of minutes she calmed down, and you decided to ask her why she is here "So... mind telling me what happened?" she inhaled before she started speaking. "It's dad's new girlfriend. Y/n... I can't live with her anymore. I want you to come back." another tear escaped her eye and you sighed. "Lia... listen. I would love to go back as well. I miss you and your dad more than you can even imagine. But the thing is, he broke up with me. As much as I hate to say it, you have to accept the situation as it is." "No, you don't understand. Everything would be okay if she acted okay. But she is not." you looked at her, confused "What do you mean?" "She is acting mean towards me. When dad is near, she is the best person on this planet, but when he works, or it is not present, she insults me, says that she will put me in a shelter if I don't do what she wants, she even didn't let me to come out of the room the other day because, as she said, 'she wanted to spend the day with her boyfriend, without any interference'. " she started crying out loud again. "She even insulted mom." She said, almost whispering. You were taken aback by that. You haven't met Minho's new girlfriend, but you sure as hell didn't expect her to be like this. You took Liai's hands in yours and pulled her in for a hug "Did you try to talk to your dad about it?" "Yes. He said that he doesn't believe me." you sighed and hugged her while she was crying on your shoulder. "I don't want to go back to that house. Please. Can you let me stay here with you?" you sighed "Does he know where you are?" 

She shook her head as a no "Okay. You can stay if you call him and tell him where you are." "But he won't let me stay here. He will drag me home if he has to. I know he will." "Lia, he has to know where you are. He is going to be worried" "But-" "Listen, how about I drive you back and talk to him? Hm?" "But-" "Lia, I love you a lot and you know it. But your father must know where you are. I am not going to discuss it with you." she sighed and nodded. "Okay, but only if you are going to talk to him." "I told you I will. Let's go now, he is probably already worried." With that you hopped in your car and you drove towards the house you called home 4 months ago. You turned the engine off and walked in front of Lia to the front door. You rang a bell and waited for a response. Not long after some woman opened the door. "Can I help you?" "Is Minho here?" she shot you with your glare and slowly said "Yeah.. Yeah he is. May I know who needs him?" "Y/n needs him. I brought Lia with me too." You moved away showing Liai's face that was stained from crying. "Y/n? Aren't you his ex?" "I am" "Well you have nothing to do here anymore. He broke up with you, don't you understand?" she started talking, her voice raising with every word she said. "Yes I know he did. But I need to talk to him" "I don't think so-" "What's happening here?" a familiar male voice interfered and stopped her from finishing her sentence. When he looked at you and Lia he sighed, clearly upset "Didn't I tell you not to keep in touch with her?" he said angrily. 

You wanted to defend yourself but Lia took your side "She didn't keep in touch with me. I found her. And I am here only because of her. If she hadn't insisted, I wouldn't be here." Then she turned towards you "You promised." you nodded "Minho.. I need to talk to you about something.... Alone" you added because you already saw the devilish look his new girl was giving you. You still didn't even know her name. "There's nothing to talk about. Lia, get in the house, and you are grounded by the way. You can go home, thank you for dropping her off." You saw a tear escaping Lia's eye. "No, I'm not going anywhere until I talk to you." he heavily sighed once again "We are over I thought I told you-" "It's not about us Minho! It's about your daughter! She came crying her eyes out to my apartment today! I am not even sure how she found me. She was saying she doesn't want to go back to this house so I think that says enough!" he just stared at you with a blank expression. His gaze then turned to Lia. She was looking down. "I am not going to talk to you. Lia, I already told you to get in. And you, go home." With that he pulled Lia inside the house, and closed the door shut, leaving you standing on the porch of the house, dumbfounded. This wasn't right. You felt there was more to this whole story. You knew Lia will try to come to your apartment again. Until she does, you have to make a plan.... 

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