Chapter 48 - Idle talk

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Why did I forget something important?!

When both of them entered the banquet hall beautifully like a couple of Disney's prince and princess, I was so curious about it.

I was going to ask them how they ended up coming together. But then it slipped my mind somehow.

Oh, right.

It was because I was too distracted by the grenade that Luke threw at me immediately after.

Now that I think about it, it was quite obvious that Selene and Noah are very friendly with each other.

"Looks like you and Noah are pretty close, huh?"

"Oh, yes. Somehow we got close while fighting in the war."

Selene's cheeks were more rosy than usual.

It's so obvious. Now I can recognize it clearly.

The face your girlfriends in high school had when they talked while thinking about their crushes and boyfriends.

"You really like him, huh?"

I accidentally uttered in a low voice. She heard it.

"-Ah... well, yes..."

Selene became more flustered. Her face reddened even deeper.

But, after taking a few deep breaths, she got her composure back and relaxed in a few seconds.


She cleared her throat.

"Honestly, I still can't believe it. It was the first time I felt this way toward someone. I'm still getting used to it... So, excuse me if I acted stupidly."

Selene was embarrassed.

I chuckled.

"Nah, it's not stupid at all."

I don't know why, but somehow, my chest feels lighter.

I remembered, in the novel, Noah fell in love fast with Selene's beauty and personality.

It made me wonder how that Noah - the person Greg and I looked up to like an older brother since we were little, is someone capable to fall in love that quickly and hardly.

The Noah I know was someone who has no interest in the opposite gender. Well, growing up being tossed around and bullied by his three older sisters, he once told us that girls are nothing but a bother.

Although a lot of young noble girls try to get close to him, he kept his distance while being polite at the same time. With a refreshing smile on his handsome face, his conduct made it clear that there was a line they shouldn't cross.

Well, I'm an exception because I'm the lady from the family he serves and we're practically are like family. But even my poor cousin, Juliana, the princess of the empire who had an obvious crush on him, was treated indifferently by him.

The Noah I know was only interested in his job, which includes killing people soundlessly with a harmless smile on his face.

Yep, I knew it because I witnessed the best assassin of Night Rose in action myself once.

That was what Noah Goffield was.

A total eye-warming sweet cinnamon roll on the outside, but underneath that, his personality was unexpectedly quite crafty and coldblooded.

Not that I hate him or anything. He's nice to us Reynolds, and invaluable to the Night Rose, after all.

If I had not read the novel, I would never believe such a person is a romantic man when it comes to love.

I was knocked up by the ML and currently running away.Where stories live. Discover now