Chapter 18

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Congrats on @Ink_Paint for finding the surprise that was hidden in the last chapter :)

I said this at the very beginning but there are trigger warnings and this chapter has a lot of them so if you are sensitive to blood please proceed with caution.

"kill him."

Sapnap, Dream, George and Purpled all rush forward with no hesitation towards the kings order. Fundy however hesitates a moment before also coming after me after a threat from the king.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to fight them all so instead of trying to fight them and ultimately dying I turned and ran.

Running down the endless hallways with guards hot on my heels was both terrifying and exhilarating, I could feel my blood pumping and my hands were itching for me to grab my sword and turn around and kill them.

Drawing my hidden dagger from inside my sleeve I threw it behind me and hoped that it hit somebody.


Blood for the blood god



I heard a muffled thump and then a strangled cry before a crash, I had obviously managed to hit one of them and I could only hear 3 sets of footsteps behind me meaning that somebody had fallen behind.

I smiled in sick happiness that I had managed to actually hit somebody and the voices were rejoicing in being able to draw some blood if not kill a person.

I was almost at the main gates and from there I could lose them in the woods surrounding the castle.

"GEORGE, SAPNAP, GO HELP PURPLED I'LL TAKE CARE OF TECHNO." I heard Dream yell from behind me.

From what he had said that meant that it was Purpled who I got with my dagger and Fundy was the one who had fallen behind. I was glad that it was Fundy and I knew that Wilbur wouldn't forgive me if I killed one of his friends and it would make it much harder to gain his full trust.

"BUT DREAM, YOU COULD DIE!" George's voice was all whining and pleading, not wanting his friend to get hurt.

"I CAN HANDLE THIS, JUST GO!" And with a final sigh I heard George and Sapnap stop and then it was just me and Dream left.

I could see the doors in front of me but I knew that I wouldn't be able to open them and get outside without Dream catching me so I would have to turn and fight him.

I skidded to a stop and pulled out my sword in one fluid motion. Dream also stopped and pulled out his axe.

"Look Dream, I don't want to hurt you but I will if I have to."

"I'm sorry Techno but you have found your father and I have found mine and we have taken different paths and I'm afraid that I have to do this."

I stood still for a moment, Dream had found his father? Who was it?

Dream took advantage of my momentary confusion and leapt at me, nicking my side with his axe, I hissed in pain and out of instinct reached down to feel it. When I brought my hand back up I could see that it was covered in my blood and that just made me angrier.

Kill him


Blood for the blood god

Dream was going in for another hit and just in time I raised my blade to block his axe. I knew that a sword would never win against an axe so I disengaged and darted back.

Quickly I went for a hit at his belly and he twisted at just the right moment to avoid a fatal hit, even though he had dodged a deadly blow my sword still sank deep into his side and he let out a pained cry and fell to the ground.

Even though I had knocked him down and he wouldn't be able to follow me I wasn't done yet, he had betrayed me after all the years we spent together in that orphanage.

I stalked over to him and bent down to remove his mask, under the mask he had piercing green eyes and a smattering of freckles.

"You always wear that mask for no reason so why don't I give you a reason?" I smirked.

I ran my sword from one side of his mouth to another, creating a smile the would now be permanently engraved on his face and one that would match his mask.

I grinned as I saw the blood seep out of the slice and run down his face.

I smirked at him once more before turning on my heel and running out the doors.

In the courtyard there was only a few guards, much less than expected and once they heard my footsteps they turned to face me.

I ran past them and out of the main gates with them right behind me. Taking a turn off of the road and into the dense bush I hoped to loose them.

After a few minutes of sprinting through the thick under bush I could no longer hear anybody behind me and I started to slow down. The adrenaline was now running off and the cut on my side was starting to burn and was making running painful.

I knew that I had to find Ranboo so that we could get back to the church but I had no idea where the secret tunnel entrance was from where I was currently.

Go straight!

Straight ahead

He's just in front of you

We don't call you the human GPS for nothing

The human GPS? Since when had the voices called me that? Nonetheless I decided to follow their instructions and go straight ahead.

Surprisingly they were right and Ranboo really was just waiting behind a thick wall of bushes that were right in front of me.

"Techno? Where did you come from and what happened?"

"Got caught and then chased by the guards." I winced in pain as speaking made my wound hurt even more and I could feel the sluggish stream of blood seeping out of it.

"Right let's head back so that we can treat your wound."

Ranboo once again took the lead on the way back but this time it took even longer as the cut was slowing me down significantly. It was harder to avoid any guards but by a miracle we made it back to church Prime without being noticed.

We made our way down the stairs as quietly as possible and hoped that nobody had noticed our absence and we're still fast asleep, this time however luck was not on our side.

At the bottom of the stairs stood a very angry Phil.

"Where the fuck were you and what were you doing?" Was all I heard before I passed out.


So, what do you think of Dream betraying Techno and who do you think his father is?

Words: 1169

(Trying to get 69 words)

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