Chapter 17

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Techno's POV

As I descended further into the dark, damp tunnel the more cautious I got.

I had no idea where the tunnel led to and for all I knew Ranboo was lying to me and instead was just leading me into a trap.

The further away I got from the exit the darker and stinger the stench became.

After a few minutes of walking in pure darkness I felt something under my feet. I heard a metallic clang as I stood on it and leant down to pick it up and even though I couldn't see the object it felt like a metal rod of some kind, maybe a ladder rung. 

If it was a broken off rung of a ladder that would mean the there was a ladder somewhere around here.

Pressing my hand against the cold, slimy dirt walls I started to walk along the tunnel again.

After only a few seconds of walking I felt my hand hit something metallic, a ladder.

Before I decided to climb the ladder I shook it to see if it would move at all. To my surprise it didn't budge an inch.

I knew that if I didn't go up this ladder now I might very well not be able to find it again in the pure darkness that was the tunnel.

Taking a deep breath I grasped the first rung of the ladder and heaved myself up it. Hand over hand I went going up the ladder, I didn't know how long it was but after a solid minute of climbing I knew that if I fell now I would die.

My arms were burning with fatigue when I reached for the next rung but instead of finding it I found a smooth metal hatch with a handle on it.

With a heave I pushed the trapdoor open and suddenly some dim light started to shine into the tunnel.

The door came out into a cell in what I presumed was the castle's dungeon. Glancing around I saw that the cell was baren of anything but some straw and that the door was open and there was a candle outside of it.

I slipped out of the cell and grabbed the candle, making sure not to touch the hot wax and burn myself.

Now that I had more light I took a better look around the whole dungeon, there were rows of cells on either side of me and from what I could see they were all bare and empty of any prisoners.

The floor started to slope upwards behind me and I decided to follow that as it would most likely lead me out of the dungeon and into the main castle. I came across a set of stairs only a few metres from where I came out and started to climb them.

There were candles lining each side of the stairwell but none of them were lit and judging by the amount of cobwebs covering them they hadn't been lit for a long while.

Why was there a lit candle outside of the very cell that I came out of but no other lit ones? The only reasonable solution was that Ranboo had lit it for whenever he snuck into the castle.

At the top of the stairs was a oak door. I pushed it open and to my surprise it opened out into the castle library. The door had been disguised as a bookshelf and how Ranboo found it I had no idea as it was indistinguishable from all the other bookshelves.

There were no guards in the library itself but I could hear the clanking of armour coming from the hallways just outside. I would have to be careful when exiting as to not get caught immediately.

I waited until  I couldn't hear any clanking metal in the close proximity before pushing the library door open slightly and slipping out.

From there I needed to find the king, the chances were good that he was asleep in his bedroom but considering the flurry of activity in the castle at this time of night he might not be asleep and could instead be anywhere else in the castle.

Behind you!

Look behind you

Heeding the voices warnings I turned around and came face to face with Fundy and another guard who I was unfamiliar with.

"Purpled, go get the king, we have an intruder." Fundy instructed the other guard.

Purpled ran off- presumably to find the king and Fundy turned to face me.

"What are you doing here Techno? I thought that once you didn't come back from whatever quest you were sent on the you had found away to get out of here." Fundy's voice was wishful when he said that I could've gotten away, it seemed like it was something he was wanting to do.

"Look Fundy, you can still get out of this job, come with me and join the resistance. You're friends with Wilbur Soot correct? Well he is also apart of it."

Fundy opened his mouth, looking like he was going to accept but before he could say anything Purpled came rushing around the corner with the King, Dream, Sapnap and George right behind him.

The King looked slightly different from when I last saw him, he was holding himself taller and if it was even possible his eyes were colder and harsher than ever.

"Well, well, look what the cat dragged in, a little assassin- or should I say prince." The king was smirking widely as he revealed that he knew who I was and that he had possibly known the whole time.

Everybody but the king and Dreams faces turned to one of shock at that news. Dreams face was hidden but even from his body language I could tell that he wasn't shocked at the news, maybe the king had told him?

Something is different with the king

How did Dream already know?

"Oh yes, I already told your little friend Dream about who you actually are after all he has become one of my most trusted guards after your sudden departure."

"Dream?" There was a slight quiver in my voice.

"Look I'm sorry Techno but you lied to me and made me think you were an orphan like me and the king has shown me your true ways and treats me right." There was no remorse whatsoever in his voice.

"Well then," the king smirked,

"kill him."


My English teacher said that you shouldn't read online because the books aren't edited and you don't get exposed to good vocabulary and the books aren't  professional.

I'm mad at her because some Wattpad books actually get published and sold and are actually popular.


Keep going

A little more

A bit more

You can do this

If you made it this far congrats and comment here that you did and I will tag you in the next chapter :)

Words: 1163

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