Chapter 8

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All three of us stopped as Philza said our names, how did he know them? We had never met him.

"How the fuck do you know our names? And who are you?"Wilbur was practically burning holes in the man's clothes as he stared him down.

"My name is Philza Minecraft, why don't you come inside and I'll tell you, I won't hurt you and you are free to keep your weapons on you." His voice sounded so genuine that I was actually considering it.

Without a second thought Tommy rushed in, even though I had only just met the kid I wasn't just going to abandon him in an unfamiliar house.

I shared a glance with Wilbur before following him inside. Even though I was meant to kill Philza I was curious as to how he knew my name despite me not telling him it and if things went south I had my sword with me.

The crowfather has his ways

Origin story?


I had grown used to the constant chatter of the voices and was now able to block them out of effectively but I don't think I could ever completely get rid of them.

The inside of the cottage was minimalistic with only the necessities. Tommy was sitting on a threadbare couch that was surrounded by armchairs.

Wilbur took a seat next to him while Plaza took one of the battered armchairs, I stood nearby Tommy and Wilbur ready to draw my sword at a moments notice.

"Right then, I should probably start from the beginning, the very beginning. Once there was a kingdom that was thriving with riches and had a fair and just ruler..."

"We already know our kingdoms story!" Tommy interrupted Plilza rudely. Philza held up a hand signalling him to be quiet.

"Let me continue, that rulers name was King Phil. He had been crowned 6 years prior and was happily married with 5 year old twins and an infant child. The Antarctic Empire had been at war with the Nether Kingdom since before King Phil was crowned and now the Nether Army had their sights set on the capital of L'manburg."

I had never heard of this 'L'Manburg' but the name sounded awfully similar to Manburg but we were apart of the Nether Kingdom not the Antarctic Kingdom, I had never even heard of it before.

"The Nether King had conquered the last town that stood in his way of L'Manburg. Messages arrived that Pogtopia had fallen and the King was on his way."

"A few days later the army arrived at L'Manburgs walls. That night an assassin snuck into the castle and killed the Queen. The King fled with his 3 sons and dropped them off at orphanages around the kingdom, none of them remembered as they were all to young. After the King and his sons disappeared the Nether King took the throne and is still there to this day."

I think I know where this is going, King Jonathan conquered this land and renamed it.

"This was 11 years ago."

"Wait but if this is all true wouldn't we have heard of it?" Wilbur asked.

"The King ordered all mouths shut and to never speak of it again, anybody who did would be executed. Only one man knows the full tale however and that man is the former king."

"Ok but that still doesn't explain how you know our names." Tommy was beginning to get irritated.

I knew where this was going, Philza was the old king and that's why I was sent to kill him, he knows our names because he is our dad.

"Techno looks like he knows what the answer is, why don't you tell them?"

I took a deep breath before answering. "Phil is the former king and we are the princes."

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Tommy and Wilbur shouted in unison.

Philza just gave me a nod and a smile proving that my assumption was correct and that he indeed was our father.

"Techno is correct, I am the former king and your father. Techno probably hasn't told you why he's in the woods and I'll guess that he was sent here to kill me, is that right?"

Instead of answering I just gave him a nod.

Phil turned back to face Wilbur and Tommy before continuing, "I am sorry for not finding you sooner but it was dangerous for both me and you. I'm sure you have many questions for me and I'll be glad to answer them."

"Why do you have wings?" Tommy asked brashly.

"Tommy! That could be a sensitive topic!" Wilbur tried to reprimand him, personally I didn't care if it was a sensitive topic even though Phil was our father I felt no obligation to treat him as such, he abandoned us after all.

"No, no it's fine, they were a gift." Phil answered.

"A gift from who? Who has that much power?" Wilbur was shocked at knowing that his father had been gifted wings.

"Are you going to take back the throne?" Even though I had been sent to kill Phil I didn't have it in me to do it and he seemed like he would be a better king than the one we have right now.

"I would like to now that I have reunited with you all but I fear I do not have the means to do so."

"I have some friends that would help you, none of them have any love for the king and one is trusted by the king and works for him." I was surprised that Wilbur had friends that would be willing to help with overthrowing the king.

"I also might be able to convince one of my friends to help us, he also I a guard at the castle." I think that Dream would be willing to help us with this plan as he has mentioned on multiple occasions that he hates King Jonathan.

"Well if you guys are willing to help and have friends who would join us I guess we could try." Phil had scepticism in his voice but there was also a bit of hope there.

We were going to help our father take back his throne.


Sorry this took a while as I couldn't write yesterday but I have a school break for 2 weeks so I can write more!

There is 3 days until my birthday and I can't wait! Also this is almost at 100 reads! So thanks everyone who has taken time to read this shitty fic

Words: 1099

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