Chapter 1

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Techno's POV

"Techno get up!" My best and only friend Dream yelled from outside whilst pounding on my door. We were both 16 and that meant we were eligible to enlist in either the army or the palace guards.

We were both orphans and were wanting a way out of this hell hole and we couldn't leave until we were 18 or if we got drafted, we opted for the second option and now that we were old enough to attend the drafting this year we were going to go.

Me and Dream arrived at the central village green where the drafting was being held. There were many young men there, eager to join the army or be a guard of our wonderful king. I me and Dream were getting a fair few strange looks curtesy of our rather strange looks, he always wore a plain white mask with a crudely drawn smiley face whereas I have naturally pink hair and pointed ears.

A loud horn sounded signalling the start of the drafting. We were all instructed to go over to where they had set up some wooden dummy's and weapon racks and grab whatever weapon we were familiar with and start attacking the prop.

Neither me nor Dream had ever held a weapon in our lives let alone swing one but how hard could it be?

Surprisingly it wasn't hard at all for me to get into a rhythm of swinging my weapon of choice- a sword. It felt natural in my hand like an extra limb.

Next to me Dream was swinging a battle axe with great proficiency, making it seem like it weighed nothing even though I could tell that it was.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see the observers watching us work. To them all they could see of my blade was a slight shimmering light cutting into the dummy, Dreams axe looked like a toy in his hands.

One of the instructors, a big beefy man with ginger hair came up to us "you boys came here together correct? Where did you learnt to fight like this?"

Dream was the one who replied knowing that I was uncomfortable in social situations. "Oh we are self taught."

It wasn't technically a lie but it wasn't the truth either, the man looked shocked at our answer but quickly regained his composure.

"I'm the one in charge of deciding what places in the army or in the king's guards people get and I was winding if you two were interested in joining the king's guard, we need more youngsters that are good with a weapon like both of you." He looked like one of those people who think with their fists not their words and I was honestly shocked that he was in charge here.

Me and Dream have known each other long enough to be able to communicate without speaking and just using our eyes, even though I can't see his.

I glanced at him begging for him to take the man's offer for us, luckily for me he got the idea. "We would would love to join the king's guard, it would be our honour to serve our king in this way."

I thought that he was maybe laying it on a bit thick, I have no love for the king as from what I can see he is not a kind ruler, instead choosing to use violence to solve problems rather than words even when it is sufficient to talk not fight."

The man however looked pleased with this answer and was starting to walk away gesturing for us to follow. I dropped my sword on the ground and followed after him with Dream just behind me.

We were going towards a black and red striped tent- our kingdoms colours. Form inside I could hear lively chatter.

Inside was a lot bigger than the outside, probably some sorta of magic so that it would take up less space, that also meant that there was most likely a magician somewhere around.

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