Chapter 2

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Techno's POV

Me, Dream and the ginger haired man were now riding through the forest on our way towards the capital city, Manburg. I had never been there and neither had Dream but I was told that it was a massive city filled with everything you could ever want.

"Right, I just realised I haven't told you my name...." As the ginger haired man was speaking, his face rippled almost like water and it was shifting between an older man's to a teenagers. " names Fundy and I'm a shifter."

It now made sense as to why his face was moving like water, shifters were rare but not unheard of. They had the ability to change how they look and their age at will, however they always kept one similarity and if they stayed in a form that wasn't the one they were born with for to long they would be permanently stuck.

Fundy's similarity seemed to be his bright orange hair as he switched from the man into a young teenager.

Even though Fundy had just dropped a massive surprise on us he just continued riding on as if nothing had happened.

We rode through the rest of they day until the sun started to set and the forest was coated in a pink light.

We rode into a small clearing that looks like it had previously been used as a campsite, there was a small circle of stones with charred ground in the middle that looked like it was a fire pit.

"Right, we are going to be camping here for tonight and tomorrow we will make our way to Manburg." Even though Fundy didn't look that much older than us he still was in charge as he had experience and was the one in charge of the recruitments.

We set up tents that Fundy had packed into our horses saddle bags and lit a fire in the pit. Fundy had gone hunting for some rabbits to cook for our dinner, leaving me and Dream alone together for the first time since we got to the village field.

"Do you think we will be put into the same guard division?" Dream asked me, was that a hint of worry I could detect in his voice? "I have no idea I guess it just depends on what the commander decides out skills best suit." I really hoped that I would be put with Dream but we don't move the same way and we don't even use the same weapon so I think that it is highly unlikely.

Until Fundy got back me and Dream sat in companionable silence, both of us thinking about how our lives had changed in the span of a few hours.

Fundy came back with a rabbit slung over his shoulder, he set it down on a rock and started to skin it expertly.

After the rabbit had been cooked we all sat around the fire eating our own portions, the rabbit itself wasn't the best, it was a bit tough and sinewy but it was good enough.

"Right because we are in an unknown part of the forest it would be good to set up a night watch, I will take the first shift, then Dream and Techno can take the last one, ok? Even though Fundy was asking us wether we were ok with taking a night watch it was definitely more of an order.

I was sharing a tent with Dream and because I'm a light sleeper when Fundy woke him up for his watch it also woke me up. I couldn't go back to sleep after that, I was thinking about tomorrow and how I would finally be going to the capital and possibly meeting the king.

I was to deep in thought to hear Dream approaching, I didn't know that he was there until I felt somebody shaking my shoulder. "Techno it's your turn to watch." Dream tried to be quiet as to not wake Fundy who was in the other tent.

Outside it was completely dark but sunrise couldn't be that far off. I took up a position just outside of the light that the fire emitted so that any potential intruders wouldn't be able to see me.

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