Chapter 15

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As midnight crept closer I was getting more anxious that somebody would catch me and Ranboo sneaking out.

There was a small window that you could just see the moon through, once the moon was directly overhead I would go out to Carl with Ranboo.

I glanced over at the window again and saw that the moon was no longer in sight, it was time to wake up Ranboo, but first I strapped my sword onto my belt and hid my dagger.

Padding over to where Ranboo looked to be fast asleep I gently shook his shoulder.

He turned over and groggily open his eyes, "why did you wake me up?"

"It's time," was all I said, hoping that his half asleep brain would realise what I was talking about.

He stood up, knowing what I was talking about instantly. Like me he had also slept in his clothes, being ready to get up at a moments notice.

"Right then I guess we should go."

Ranboo started to walk across the room and towards the stairs trying to be a silent as possible as not to wake anybody up.

I followed behind him just as quietly. As I passed Tommy he stirred in his sleep and rolled over, I froze, hoping that I didn't wake him up. I paused for a few heartbeats and he started to snore softly.

Before I followed Ranboo up the stairs I had to go and grab my mask, in hindsight I should've put it on before I woke him up but what's done is done.

As I reached my bags I quickly buckled my mask on and snuck back toward the stairs. As I climbed them I could see the faint outline of Ranboo and Carl who were illuminated by the moonlight.

"Follow me, it's probably best if you leave Carl behind, he will create to much noise and draw unwanted attention."

I didn't want to not bring Carl but what Ranboo had said made sense, Carl would just be more of a hindrance than a help.

He started to slip away into the shadows and I followed him, although he was tall he was nimble and his half and half skin made it so he blended into the shadows easily.

Even though it was nearing midnight there were plenary of guards roaming the streets trying to catch anybody who was breaking house arrest.

We passed two guards who all looked half asleep and I recognised them, it was Dream's new friends George and Sapnap. If they were out here did that mean Dream was as well? I hadn't forgotten about trying to get him to join us and maybe if I could find him in the castle I could convince him to.

Me and Ranboo were now at the bottom of the winding path that led up to the castle. There didn't look to be any guards patrolling here and I was pretty shocked that we hadn't been seen yet.

"There is an entrance to the castle dungeons in the side of the hill, I will show you it and wait outside." Ranboo's voice was shockingly loud in the almost completely silent night with only the muffled sounds of armour clanking.

Ranboo led me up the side of the hill where it was still covered in greenery. The king had removed all other traces of wildlife around his castle except for this hill.

With the amount of dead leaves and sticks underfoot it was nearly impossible to walk around the forest without making any sound, not to mention that it was almost pitch black under the cover of the trees.

How Ranboo was being able to navigate through it I didn't know but the only reason I could follow him was that because of his white skin whenever the moon shone through the leaves it made his skin glow.

Ranboo suddenly stopped right in front of a fallen log that was overgrown with moss and things.

He moved the log back revealing a rusted metal gate that blocked the opening of a tunnel.

"The entrance is here, I'll wait outside for you once you come back."

"How do you know about this place?" I was curious about how he found this tunnel as it was so well concealed that I definitely wouldn't be able to find it if I didn't know what I was looking for and I assumed that the other side would be the same.

"I told you, I was a spy." He was very against disclosing any other information and as much as I wanted to pry it out of him he was still the one helping me and a leader of the resistance.

"Ok then, how do I get in?"

Ranboo walked over to the metal gate and grasped the bars and swung them inwards. The metal made a loud creaking sound as the rusted hinges gave way to the forceful shoving of the gate.

Before there was a damp smell coming from the tunnel but now with the gate open the smell strengthened and got worse.

Ranboo gagged as the scent hit his nose and when I smelt it I almost gagged as well, it smelt like flesh that had been sitting around and rotting for years. Knowing the king's backstory now it seemed very plausible that it was indeed Rotten flesh that I could smell but I chose to ignore it.



Human flesh

The voices were getting louder the closer I was getting to actually killing the king, they wanted his blood.

"I will be waiting out here for you."

Ignoring what Ranboo had just said I took a cautious step into the tunnel.


I had no motivation to write this chapter at all but I pushed through it and even though it's shorter than usual I'm glad I got it done.

Also how has this been number 7 on the LDShadowlady tag for 3 days??

Congrats on cyan for winning mcc, I was rooting for yellow and it came down to a coin flip at the end to see wether build mart would be played and it wasn't.

Words: 1028

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