The Polyjuice Potion

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Harry and Ron managed to get Crabbe and Goyle to eat the cupcakes. They did exactly as we asked and hid the boys in the broomstick cupboard. Hermione and I did something simliar with Millie and Patty. I took out the four glasses from my bag and the ladle. Hermione began scooping the potion out into the cups as I held them. It was thick and smelled horrible, but it needed to be done. When the boys entered finally, we explained what was going to happen next.

"We'll have exactly one hour before we change back into ourselves." Hermione tutted as we gave the boys each a glass.

"Add the hairs." I crinkled my nose and did as I myself had instructed.

"Ew. Essence of Crabbe." Ron cringed.

"Cheers." Hermione and I said and the four of us clinked our glasses together. We took a big gulp of the potions and every single one of us cringed harder. It tasted even worse then it smelled.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Ron gagged and dropped the glass to the ground. Making a run for it behind him to the bathroom.

"Me too." Hermione nodded, doing the same. Her glass crashing to the floor.

I grabbed my stomach and bent over the sink, dropping my glass to the floor. I felt like my insides were dying. Harry groaned next to me as he stared at himself in the mirror after dropping his glass as well. I made a rather curious observation about the sink I was leaning over. There was a snake design in the spout. I was about to say something when I gagged instead. I felt my skin start to tingle and when I looked down. Sure enough, it looked like it was bubbling. When I looked into the mirror I watched my strawberry colored hair turn bright blonde and instead of being pin straight, it was wavy.

My hazel eyes were bright blue, my scar had disappeared. My normal cute button nose was now longer and somewhat pointy. I was a bit weirded out and horrified to be someone else. but i couldn't help my smile. It was amazing that our potion worked. Harry and I turned and looked at each other. He looked exactly like Goyle, only he still had his round glasses on.

"Whoa!" We both gasped.

Ron came walking out from the stall he'd ran to. He was much shorter than before, and rounder. His bright red hair was no longer, as he looked exactly like Crabbe.

"Harry?" Ron asked as he looked at 'Goyle'. He turned to me and cringed. "Olivia?"

"Ron." Harry stated to 'Crabbe'.

"Bloody hell." Ron said as he was basically rendered speechless.

"We still sound like ourselves. Harry, I mean, Goyle, you need to take off your glasses. Both of you need to sound more like Crabbe and Goyle." I spoke, letting my voice rise, becoming slightly nasally like Patricia's.

"Uh, Bloody hell." 'Crabbe' stated as he lowered his voice. It was a rather good impression of him.

"Excellent." 'Goyle' and I chimed.

"Where's Hermione?" 'Crabbe' asked. I frowned and looked over to see she hadn't come from the stall yet.

"I-I don't think I'm coming. You three go on without me."

"Hermione? Are you alright?" I asked her worried.

"Just go! You're all wasting time!" She shouted from her stall.

Normally I'd argue with her, because I hated leaving her behind, but she was right. The three of us ran out of the bathroom and down the corridors to find the Slytherin common room.

"I think the Slytherin common room is this way." 'Goyle' (Harry) pointed down the corridor further into the dungeons.

"Okay." 'Crabbe' (Ron) and I nodded together.

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