Follow The Spiders and A New Message

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Harry's POV continued:
Ron and I walked outside the house to the open window. The spider's were crawling down the side of the house and leading down the ground and into the forest. Hagrid left that message for us, and I was determined to find out the meaning behind it.

    "Come on." I ushered him towards the forest.

    "What?!" Ron squeaked.

    "You heard what Hagrid said, Follow the spider's." I repeated. Ron looked at me as if I was crazy.

    "They're heading into the Dark Forest!"

    "Ron, we have to do this. Olivia and Hermione were attacked and they knew something. We have to do this for them, to put an end to the misery going on in the school." I began to walk forward, I was going to go with or without him.

    "Right, for Olivia..." Ron whispered. I caught what he said and turned to grin at him in a teasing way.

    "And Hermione."

    "Well, yeah, you interrupted before I could finish. For Olivia AND Hermione. Shut up, Harry." He shoved my shoulder at my teasing look. "Why spiders? Why couldn't it be follow the butterflies?" Ron complained.

Together, with Fang, Ron and I headed into the Dark Forest. Following the trail of spiders. The farther we went the more spider's began to appear. Ron whimpered nearly the entire time. His breathes were uneven and shaky. I understood that he was scared of spider's and why, but it was getting rather annoying.

"Harry, I don't like this." Ron whimpered. His voice squeaked with fear. We walked over more tree roots and followed the Spider's to a tunnel in the ground. "Harry, I don't like this at all."

"Shush!" I scolded him.

"Can we go back now?" Ron cringed.

I gulped, getting a bit nervous myself. No, I had to do this. I looked at the hole and walked forward.

"Come on."

We had to crouch down as we walked through the large hole in the ground. We walked even further following the spider's ignoring the sounds from the forest around us. The spider webs after we exited the hole seemed to get even bigger. I lifted the lantern up to see in the dark. A sudden loud crunching sound, branches breaking, caught our attention.

"Who is it?" A raspy voice called out. More branches broke and Ron whimpered again.

"Don't panic." I told myself, but also trying to assure Ron. Fang began barking at a even larger hole in the ground across the forest. It was very large and covered in spider webs.

"Hagrid, is that you?" The voice called out again.

"We're friend's of Hagrid's." I replied.

Soon enough, eight long hairy legs appeared from the hole. The gigantic spider lifted itself out from the hole and it's black piercing eight eyes all blinked, looking back at Ron and I. We both backed up slightly and I understood finally the significance of the creature.

"And you... You're... You're Aragog aren't you?" I asked trying to stay brave.

"Yes. Hagrid has never sent men into our hollow before." The great spider replied.

Ron seemed to be looking around, but I stared right at the spider.

"He's in trouble." I explained quickly. "Up at the school, there have been attacks, they think it's Hagrid." I peeked over to where Ron was looking and spider's, smaller than Aragog, but still way bigger than us were scurrying across the forest floor. I quickly turned back towards Aragog. "They think he opened the Chamber of Secrets. Like before."

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