TMA- Too much Amazment.

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Aaliana's POV

Tonight is the big night!! Gahhhh, I'm so excited. Megan picked out super cute outfits for us to wear, and we're just gonna look gorgeous getting this award!




It's been 2 years since the whole kicking everyone out my life thing. At first, I almost died. My life was NOT the same without Raya, Angel, and Kianie. Not even close. I never went back to Atlanta, my aunt agreed to let me move in with them. That was pretty nice, until things got a little better. I was going to school and I met a girl there named Teegan. Me and her hit it off good. It went a little something like this...


It was my first day of Bahamas school (what I liked to call it, it's name was actually Sea Breeze High, cause it was located on a beach. How cool!) Me and Samantha were in the same grade, but only had 2 classes together. Mali was a senior while me and Samantha were Juniors, so she didn't have any classes with us. Deena had already graduated. So in my first period, I waked in all late, because I didn't know where the heck I was going, and Samantha was no help because she thought it would be funny to watch me walk around the school looking lost. So when I finally found my 1st period, I was 20 mins late.

Mr. Hatcher: "hello, can I help you?"

Me: "um, I'm new here, and I think this is my first period."

Mr. Hatcher, who was a young cute teacher, took a look at my schedule.

Me. Hatcher: "well looks like you're in my class! Welcome. Take a seat anywhere."

I looked around the class to see everyone starring at me. How awkward! The desks were in pairs so I sat at a empty pair. Yes, I wanted to be alone.

Mr. Hatcher continued his lesson about Adjectives and what not. I wasn't paying attention at all, but starring at the back of the girl in front of me. Her hair was soooo long, and it was the same color as mine, minus the ombré effect.

Me: "Hey, I like your hair!" I whispered to her.

She turned around and gave me the meanest look ever.

I sat back In my seat. Pretty girl doesn't have such a pretty attitude.

I continued to pretend listen to Mr. Hatchets lesson until the bell rang. I got up and went to his desk before I left to ask him which way to my next class, because I didn't want to continue the trend of being 20 minutes late. Thankfully, it wasn't far away, and I got there before the late bell rang.

Well guess who was in my math class? Pretty girl with ugly attitude! I walked to the teachers desk to ask which seats were available, and told me the one next to PGUA (acronym I made for pretty girl ugly attitude.) I sighed an sat next to her slowly.

The teacher (whose name I can't pronounce) gave out a worksheet and told us to finish it by the end of class. I looked at it. Polynomials. Easy. I finished it quickly with muchos time to spare. I looked over at PGUA's paper to see her struggling. Well I let her struggle because she had such a bad attitude.

I sat there and sneak texted Samantha. While in the middle of my text, I hear PGUA say something to me.

PGUA: "Hey, um, can you help me?"

Well look who wants to make conversation now. I won't help her, no I will not.

10 minutes later me and PGUA were done working on the worksheet together.

PGUA: "thanks, and uh, sorry for the mean look earlier."

Me: "why was that?"

PGUA: "honestly, I don't know." She laughs.

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