Author's Note

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Hey there, fellow Beings, how are you all doing? Hope you are all surviving well.

I believe that this note is to give you all a quick update on where I've been.

Well, I have been here. But my inspiration was on vacation. I couldn't word at all in the past month and it was horrifying. (Yes, that is word. It means I was not able to write anything in weird people's language)

So, beings here is the deal. I do want to keep on writing Supercorp. Of course, I do. But, I want to ask you all if you'd like it if I explored a few more fandoms. You can give me suggestions and I will see what I can do about it.

That is it. That's all I wanted to say. Also, are any of you following Grey's this season? As a guitar-playing, average singing, Engineer, and  Non-Binary lesbian, Kai is the representation I needed.

So, there's that. Anyways, hope you all are doing well. If you wanna connect with me you can always message me here on Wattpad or on Tumblr. Where I am fairly active too.

P. S. I love you all. I read all your comments and I am really happy to have readers like you. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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