Chapter 2

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“You are so beautiful.”

Kara said as she wrapped her hands across the waist of Luthor standing in her closet only in her panties. She placed a kiss on the bruise on her neck. The effects of red kryptonite wore off, but Kara was still enamored by the woman in front of her.

“You shouldn't have done that. I have to wear a turtleneck now.”

“Or and stay with me on this. You can show the world that you are mine. Not that I own you or anything, but just that… you are… well, you know…”

“I don't remember you being this flustered yesterday when you were marking me, Daddy.”

Lena teasingly said as she turned around in Kara's grip. Kara's face was almost as red as her cape at the mention of that. But she recovered soon.

“Is there a complaint?”

“Oh, not at all. You are extremely hot when you assert dominance. I could just cum at the sight of you.”

Kara nuzzled her face in the shorter woman's neck and started nibbling. In a moment a sharp pain went through her neck and her core that caused her to gasp.

“Did you again-”

Lena said, twisting, still in the Super's arm to look at the mirror. As expected there was a fresh bruise blooming on her neck. 

“I am sure you can cum right now.”

“Kara, I don't have time for”

“You are Daddy's good girl.”

Kara had noticed how much Lena loved being praised. She noticed the shudder through Luthor's body at the praise and tightened her hold on her waist.

“I love that you are so intelligent, so beautiful, and yet so kind. Sometimes I wonder if you even know how amazing you are. But, I will always be there to remind you now. I will always be there so you can lean on me whenever everything is overwhelming and the world is too loud and I will be here every time you cum like you will be doing right now because you are my good girl.”

That was it. The last line in that sentence and the whispering and soothing noise of the Super in her ear caused Lena to squirm a bit and she was pushed to the edge.

“Now, I will be touching your pussy, right over your panties and I want you to cum as soon as you can. Can you do that for me?”

Lena nodded and Kara moved her hand to the brunette's core, teasing her on the way down. 

She cupped the brunette's pussy and pressed her finger over her clit through her panties.

“Cum for me. Right now.”

She said as she made a slight moment and in a few seconds, Lena was coming undone in her hands. She gripped the girl tighter and cupped her pussy hard to create more friction for the girl to grind over.

Kara removed her hand in a few seconds and chuckled a bit at Lena's disheveled state.

“It is concerning how little you have to do to make me cum.”

Lena said, still a little out of breath.

“Will you?”

“Will I, what?”

“Wear your marks proudly in public to let people know that only I get to make you cum like that? To let them know only I get to see this side of you?”

Lena pulled a beautiful off-shoulder piece.

“Will this be okay?”

“That will be perfect. Should I help you wear it?”

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