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I was pacing the floor of the room I was in. I was so over this. I just wanted a normal life. Had I known about Bram and that company, I'd never married him or got my girls involved. The hours felt like days. Just then I noticed Hicks and Rusty coming up from the security camera.

"We had to really go through the footage to see if there was any contact after Nolan left the bar. We checked  emails, messages, phone records, social media among other things as well. His story checks out. I brought some footage with me for you to see. When you two bumped into one another, it was not planned. " Reported Hicks.

I saw a drunk Bram at the bar and Nolan ripping a check up followed by handing cash back to Bram as well. The look on Nolan's face said he felt like Bram was weird. You could see Nolan leave quick and he was checking to make sure he wasn't followed. What type of guy had I married? How well  had I known him? We were still going to go and find Bram. We would still have Nolan come, to keep an eye on him.

" Nolan, I believe you. I would like you to still come for support. I'm sorry Bram was like that. I wish I could remember more. Guess we were meant to meet after all. I'm angry and upset more so at Bram. You just happened to be there at the bar at that moment." I informed him.

"We leave at 6pm tonight. We want to arrive late. Less appearances. I have a team that will me be meeting us there. You will be put in a cottage where we can have quick access and one that will allow us to easily leave if things get out of hand." Explained Hicks.

Nolan was meeting us there. He was arriving a different day. Marcy had something come up she couldn't get out of. So Cindy and Connor were coming with me for support. I felt safe and secure with Connor by me. He became more a big brother than anything.

The flight was long and lots of turbulence. Once we finally landed, I was exhausted. All I wanted was to take a long bath or shower and go to bed. Thank goodness the cottage we were in had not only a great view of the water, but also a nice jacuzzi tub and shower.

I awoke to someone in my room.  "Kate, I'm here." whispered the voice.

Chills went down me. I knew that voice from somewhere. A hand came near me and I screamed.

Connor ran and tackled the guy down. I had hit the button for help. Agents came in the cottage. I was so scared. Cindy and I both were quickly taken from the cottage. Cindy was half asleep as well. Connor later met us after the agents got a hold of the guy. Turns out it was Bram. An agent had told him of me coming that he knew.

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