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"Sorry for all the bumps. I know your banged up and it must hurt. The doc we have in town said to let you sleep. I told him and the sheriff I'd bring you by after I showed you where I found you." Connor informed me.

" That's fine. I appreciate this. Thanks for taking me in. I have no idea how to repay you or where to go from here. I hope they both can help. I just want answers. " I responded.

No idea where I was. However, I felt  a little better knowing I was going to see a doctor and the sheriff. No kidnapper would do that. We had been driving for about 15 mins when Connor pulled to the side of the road. He helped me out and held me. He pointed over the side of the road.

" There is no way I survived that." I cried. Tears came down my eyes before I could stop them. There was nothing left of the SUV but bits and pieces that remained from a fire. Yellow caution tape was everywhere. The guardrail was broken as well. There was stuff scattered along the way.

"There. There. I know your scared. I was driving into town to get some supplies for my latest project, when I heard a loud boom. I pulled over and noticed your suv rolling over the hill. You were laying outside of it. I got to you in the nick of time, because it was leaking gas and blew up. I got you into my truck and called the doctor. Later I got some of your stuff. Somehow your duffelbag had fell out and wasn't broken or ripped. I couldn't save your computer or hair dryer. I'm sorry for that. Your more than welcome to stay at my place, until we figure more out. In Robinwood we take care of our own. Well, that didn't come out right. I mean we look out for each other and well I guess your apart of us for now. Anything you need, we will help. " Connor assured me.

"I appreciate this Connor. I'm relieved to know I'm somewhere safe and with someone safe. I'm glad you were here. I just want my memory back. I have no name or any idea of who I am. Maybe the sheriff and doc could be of help?" I asked.

"Of course we will head to both places next. I think going to see the Doc first be best. He will prob have more instructions on what to do and where to go from here. I'm no medical expert, but I do know with the fall and crash you had, def best to follow his advice." He replied.

So onward we went to see the doctor in town. We pulled up to a yellow house that was an office building. It said Doctor Chesleghi Mahagonei on it. Now that was a mouthful.

"Hi. Connor. You brought her to me. So glad to see your awake. My name is hard to pronounce and with the tumble you had, prob easiest to just call me what everyone does, which is Doc." Doc pointed out.

Doc was very kind and understanding. She examined me and explained everything she was doing. While she didn't have all the high tech machines hospitals had, she felt that until my head was better, travel would be a challenge because it may ache to the nearest hospital that was most advance in head trauma. Most were air cared when head trauma was involved. Doc did the best she could with what she had. The night of the crash there had been a storm and she was unable to get me air cared to the hospital.

"You are in great hands. Connor is one of the best. Here in Robinwood we take care of our own. Anything you need let me know. As far as the bill goes repaying me back is by you getting better and healing. You may get your memory back and you may not. Don't push or rush things. Take it 1 day at a time. Clark side Hospital will do further testing once you heal more. As far as the ongoing investigation goes, Rusty is the best sheriff we've had. He's been sheriff over 15 years. He knows his stuff. Please try and not worry. Rusty will keep you posted on anything that comes up."Instructed Doc.

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