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I awoke to a loud noise and Sky barking. Then a hand was put over my mouth. It was not Bram's. That was the last thing I remembered.

9:00 A.M. it said on the clock, as I awoke to sunlight coming in and feeling groggy. Yesterday I could only remember bits and pieces. I remembered drinking wine and reading and noise that sounded like thunder. Yet I couldn't remember anything else. Must have been too much wine, although I didn't have much. My head was achy.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I asked. There was some woman in the room.

"I'm Cindy. Your food is right here. I made you a iced americano with carmel and 1/2 and 1/2 in it. Eggs are over easy and bacon. There's some advil for headache and water as well." Cindy stated.

Cindy wouldn't give me much answers. She just kept beating around things. I was so scared and worried. When I tried to think or remember my head hurt worse. I had no idea my name, where I was, or how I got here. I finally took the warm towel and placed over my eyes and prayed the pain would dull from my head.

3:00 pm and I awoke to a man in my room. I was defiantly freaked out. I didn't recognize him at all. He was very tall and I could tell he worked out. From his appearance, I wasn't going to test the waters.

"You must have lots of questions. I will do my best to help. My name is Connor. It's always best to start at the beginning. Why don't you follow me?" Connor instructed.

I was afraid to follow him, however what choice did I have? Who knows what could happen to me. I didn't want to put myself at risk, considering the way I was. I figured it was best to know my situation and surroundings before I made any decisions on what to do next. Although I didn't have much of a memory, I knew it was not good to just act on how I felt. I put my legs over the bed and as I tried to move my legs started wobbling. Connor was quick to grab me before my head would have hit the end table.

"Steady. I got you. I will try and help you. You have been through a lot and had quite a fall. I'm sorry, I should have been more cautious asking you to get up." Connor apologized.

"Don't take this wrong. I--I don't know you or where I am." I stuttered.

"I wanted to show you rather than show pictures or tell you about what happened with you. If I was in your shoes, I wouldn't believe anything or anyone until I saw it with my own eyes." Connor reassured me.

" You are right. I need to see what happened with my own eyes. Thank you for being understanding. If you could help me, I would like to see it." I agreed.

Connor helped me get out of bed and grabbed a sweatshirt for me, in case I got cold. He took me to his Chevy pick up truck and helped me inside. Wherever I was, it was a little chilly. I was very thankful for the sweatshirt.

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