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With everything going I decided I needed some me time. A nice walk on one of the beautiful trails they had was just what I needed. As I was lost in my thoughts, not paying attention. I ran dead smack into this hard chest and my bag I had ripped and unfortunately I forgot to zip it. Everything went everywhere. The man in front of me helped me pick everything up.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you. Let me help you. Ugh I broke some of your makeup. I will replace it. Where are my manners? I'm Nolan." he introduced.

"No worries. I was lost in thought as well. Just needed a walk to my head. I'm Zailey." I greeted him back.

"Mind if I join you on the walk?" Nolan asked.

"I'm good." I replied.

"Look, I've seen that face before. It says I'm not interested in any guy. Go away. I understand. Not my place to ask why, however everyone can use a friend. As a friend, I wouldn't push you to tell me details. I'm more of a listener anyways. Here's my card. I still insist on replacing the items I broke." insisted Nolan.

I felt really bad taking my anger out on Nolan. Not his fault my life was in complete shambles. Not like I could explain the situation. Well you see I might still be married or not. I have no memory of this. Until I have answers, I'm like stuck in limbo. Oh and I have kids that I somewhat remember. So against it all, I decided why not have a friend.

"I'm sorry. Just been a rough past few months. Life hasn't been easy. Why I'm here. I needed a breather." I confided to Nolan.

Nolan and I had a great walk. Nolan was a great listener and could definitely make me laugh. At the moment I needed to just laugh and to be friends with someone who had no idea about my situation. I knew I may or may not have a husband. It had been over 6 months. At this point either he moved on or had passed. While there was some hope, it was slowly fading. I just didn't understand. Marriage was a commitment from what I read. I honestly didn't feel he was in the suv with me bc if he was, he'd have been treated at the hospital or been found by now. So many questions and no answers. I couldn't keep on crying or waiting for someone. Faith said he loved us a lot, but if he did why was he doing this.

"Do you want to get something to eat after this, as friends? "Invited Nolan.

" Sure. I am getting hungry." I agreed.

Nolan and I are parted and went back to our places. We agreed to meet at one of the restaurants the resort offered.

"Where have you been and who is that guy?"questioned Faith as I came in.

"Some guy I met while taking a walk on a trail. We grabbing a bite to eat as friends. I can't say much about my situation. I'm just sad Faith. I don't remember much about Bram. It's been over 6 months. At this point I don't think he was in the SUV. If he cared why hasn't he reached out? If he was treated it would have been nearby and Rusty the sheriff would have been contacted. Rusty searched many databases and hospitals and so has Dave. No one has any missing men that fit his description. I have waited as patient as I can be. I'm still gonna be faithful. I just can't be mean towards people because of my situation." I went on.

"Mom, stop apologizing and making excuses. I think it's great you're making friends. I also see your side about dad. If the opportunity comes along, I say go for it. You use to say life is too short for the drama and the bs. We should be happy. If we are not happy about a situation find ways to change it or make it better if need be. When we find answers, we will deal with it then. You can't just put your life on hold. I'm glad you started getting on with life. You have a great job, a place to live, amazing friends, and a lot of support. I love you and I am always here. I'm happy for you. I look forward to seeing your place as well." Pointed out Faith.

Faith and I had a long conversation about Bram. We both were in agreement on the situation. She even helped me find an outfit to wear. I had no clue. I hadn't had a meal with another guy since before Bram. Connor was different because he rescued me and was just there if that made sense. Nolan was a complete stranger I never met.

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