The only hope

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Zak's POV:

I looked around the bathroom for anything poisonous. Nick has to have something poisonous in his bathroom somewhere...I looked under the sink and the cupboard was empty. That's strange. I looked in the cupboard above the toilet and yet again nothing. Okay somethings going on. I pretended to pee so I grabbed the soap dish and turned the tap on put some water in it and poured it down the toilet. I then pretended to do up my belt, then I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. I unlocked the door to find Nick and Aaron standing right outside the door. "Uhh can I help you with something?" Nick had his arms crossed and Aaron had a worried expressionon his face. Nick looked right into my eyes. "Oh no I was just waiting for you to come out." "Why?" "Oh no reason just wanted to make sure you weren't going to try anything." I looked at Nick and pretended to give him a seriously? look, "Man, I'm really upset over Hayley's death but I'm not stupid. You have nothing to worry about." Nick uncrossed his arms, "Okay man, if you say so." I walked away rolling my eyes just in case they saw it, and went into Nick's spare bedroom. I stood in front of the bed with my back facing it and fell back. The bed was extremely bouncy so I bounced for a bit until I finally settled. My legs dangeled over the edge of the bed and I just layed there, staring at the ceiling. I could only see Hayley smiling. Nothing else, just that. I missed her so much, but I can't kill myself over it. I know I want to but that's just being foolish. I know it will be hard but I have to move on, not right now though, but soon. I can't live like this for the rest of my life, I'll make myself sick. I still needed to hold a funeral for her. How am I going to tell her parents that their daughter is dead? "Oh hi your daughter was shot and she died the next day in hospital and I was engaged to her." Yeah that's going to go down really well. I guess I'll just have to think of something to say...


The morning of the funeral day has finally come. Sam said that her and Hayley decided they both would get cremated when they were younger because they don't want to have maggots in their heads. Even if they are dead. I had to laugh at this but I decided to just cremate her like she wanted. I got her an urn in the shape of a heart, not for me but because of how loving she was. Since I was her fiance I had to say a speech. I didn't mind though but I asked Nick to come up with me because I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself. Her parents walked through the door and I stood up to greet them. I mean I had to since I was going to be their son-in-law soon. I walked u to me and as soon as I looked into their eyes they knew who I was. Hayley's mom hugged me first. Well more like cried on my shoulder while hugging me uncomfortably. Hayley's dad pulled her off and I was able to introduce myself. I had a feeling Hayley's dad wasn't too keen on me since he was the one that picked up the phone when I called. He still shook my hand and offered me to sit with them, I kindly declined because I was the person that had to talk the most during the ceromony, next to the priest of course. The ceremony started and the priest said a few prayers and some kind words about a girl he knew nothing about. He then called me up to the podium and Nick and I stood up and walked up there. I got my speech out of my pocket and placed it on the podium. During my entire speech I looked at Hayley in a tiny little heart urn. I couldn't help it. 


"Hello I am Zak Bagans, Hayley's fiance. I love Hayley with all my heart, even if I did only know her a week, I can honestly say that she is the most lovable person you could meet. She had a gentle face and would do anything to help you out. She was so kind and whole hearted. She had a smile that would brighten your day no matter what. She had the voice of an angel. She never would do anything for herself before she helped a friend in need. 

I was already crying at this point and I didn't want Nick to read the rest of my speech because I had to do it to get over Hayley.

Her hair would always look perfect no matter what. She could pick out all these faults about her but I couldn't see any of them. She was perfect in every way. When we were at the hospital, 1,000's of strangers left these notes on the wall outside Hayley's room. I have them all here and I wanted to leave them with her.

I walked over to her urn and placed them right in the middle of the heart. they fit perfectly.

I love you Hayley Summers. You will always have my heart. Forever and Always.

Author's Note: 

Sorry I haven't updated for the past few days I've had a lot of homework. I will try to update more(:

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