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Zak's POV:

My heart sank. How can I live when the girl I love is gone forever. I held her hand and stayed with her. When the nurse came in and saw that she wasn't with us she told me that I had to move on and let her go. I wouldn't let go of Hayley's hand. The nurse called in security and they had to pry my hand off of Hayley's. The moment we broke apart, I broke down. They closed the door and locked it. I looked at how peaceful she was through the window, the nurse glanced at me and then covered Hayley's face with a blanket. I turned around and slid down the window to the floor. I cupped my face and bursted out in tears, I called Nick and told him what happened... "She's... dead.... I-I-I need you... to... come... get.... m-m-me." "I'm on my way right now. Just calm down." He hung up the phone and I just let it go out of my hand. It fell to the floor and the screen cracked. I picked it up and chucked it down the hall, it shattered into pieces. I saw a lady of staff run down towards me. "Are you okay sir?" "My fi-fi-fiance just di-di-died." "I know that can be hard. Would you like to come to my office and we can talk about it?" I stood up and she led me to her office. I just kept my head down. I miss Hayley so much. Why did this have to happen to me? Why can't God do me a favor and take me as well? I have nothing to live for without Hayley... Nothing. "Here we are, would you like to sit down on the couch?" She shut the door and I sat on the couch with my face in my hands. I was able to stop uncontrollably crying at the point where I could talk normally. "My friend Nick is coming to get me, can you call reception and tell him where I am?" She nodded and picked up the phone, "Hello it's Aimme, I have someone here who said his friend Nick," she looked at me to find out his last name. "Groff." "Nick Groff is coming to pick him up, so when he gets here can you inform him where his friend is? Thank you so much." She hung up the phone and looked at me. "How are you feeling right now?" I just stared at her and finally stopped crying. "Like my heart is in my foot. Like the whole world is against me and is just trying to get me back for all the wrong things I've done." She wrote something down and then looked up at me again. "How long did you know her?" "I met her only 6 days ago but when I first saw her it was love at first site. I asked her to marry me yesterday morning and she was the happiest I've ever seen her. I took her to a ball 2 days ago and she couldn't have looked anymore beautiful. The way her dress perfectly highlighted her curves and the way her hair was done up and it bounced slightly in the wind. The way she smiled after I kissed her for the first time. I love that smile. The way her eyes sparkled under the full moon, and now she's gone, ripped out of my life like a band-aid." Aimmie looked at me and she was tearing up. She wrote down everything I said. "You really loved her. I bet you wish that the gunman would have shot you instead of her don't you?" "In an instant, I wish I saw him about to fire and push her out the way. She had such a good heart, she never deserved that." Just then I heard a knock on the door, "Come in!" Nick walked in the door and walked over towards me. "Hey man, how you holding up?" " Don't even get me started." Aimmie looked at me and motioned me saying I could leave. "Zak, I would like to see you again next week if that's okay. Around the same time, same day." "Sure." I walked out the door and Nick led me to where he parked. I saw Aaron in the back seat cuddling Sam. Sam was hysterically crying. She feels exactly what I'm feeling. The whole car ride I just stared out the window. Everyone I looked at, all I saw was Hayley. We rode in silence except for Sam's crying the whole way to my house. Nick said he would stay with me tonight but I told him I would be fine. "No man I can't leave you alone tonight, you need someone there." "I will be fine, I don't need a babysitter." I slammed the car door and walked into my house. I didn't even look around I just ran up the stairs and straight into my bedroom. Hayley still had her dress in my wardrobe and she left her clothes lying on the floor in the bathroom. I picked them up and put them in her bag. I left her toothbrush nect to the sink just how she left it, and I left the dress just how she left it. I left almost everything exactly how she left it. I got all my clothes out of my drawers and all of my clothes out of my closet. I shut the closet door and grabbed all my clothes. I went to the spare bedroom and put all my clothes on the bed to sort out later. I went back into my room and grabbed Hayley's perfume out of er back and took it with me. I closed the door and decided that was now Hayley's room. It felt like I was closing her out of my life but, I wasn't. I left everything how she left it so that she could always come back here and visit. I went to my new bedroom and sorted out all my clothes and put them away. I grabbed my spare phone and went downstairs and out the door. I needed to get away from all the memories of Hayley. I went to the park and sat on a bench. It was about 3pm and the sun was so bright and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I took the notes from out of my pockets and re-read them. I can still remember the feeling of finding all these notes outside of Hayley's room in the hospital. I started crying when I went through them, especially when I re-read the anonymous note that said she would only get the best doctor and treatment. I wish Hayley was sitting next to me right now. She would have loved the beautiful sky. I looked up at the sky. I felt someone holding my hand just like Hayley used to do. I looked next to me and I saw Hayley staring at me like she did on the drive home from the ball. I looked into her eyes. A piece of hair fell in front of her face and I went to go fix it. My hand went right through her and she shook her head. She was telling me she would be back. She was showing me she was okay and that I need to let her go. I know I need to but I don't want to. I love her more than I have ever loved anyone. I just need to know that she will never let me go. That's when I will show her how much she really mattered in my life.

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