I love you Zak

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Zak's POV:

I went to the bar and asked for a Budweiser. It was kareoke night and I just sat there and watched all these people trying to sing as best as they could drunk. I only had one beer and I needed to get my mind off Hayley. I walked up to the stage and hopped up, I went over to the DJ and asked him to play Eric Lumiere - Anthem Acoustic version. He found the song and quickly downloaded it to play with the words. Not like I needed them. The song began to play and I got really into it.

"Lately Ive been feeling the same

Ive being losing hope, resisting the pain

Its cold outside, I wish it were clearer

Sometimes its just easier to turn around then look in the mirror

This is an anthem for the girl that got away

This is an anthem for the war of yesterday

This is an anthem for the rebel of my truth

This is an anthem for the risk of loving you

Sometimes when I go to sleep

My life spins out in front of me

Like a hurricane, a bottle of wine

Sometimes its easier to let something else control your life

This is an anthem for the girl that got away

This is an anthem for the war of yesterday

This is an anthem for the rebel of my truth

This is an anthem for the risk of loving you

For all things that break me open

I know we all have our own stories

I know its okay to worry

But in this rainstorm that will pass

Walls of stone will break like glass

This is an anthem for the girl that got away

This is an anthem for the war of yesterday

This is an anthem for the rebel of my truth

This is an anthem for the risk of loving you

This is an anthem for the girl that got away

This is an anthem for the war of yesterday

This is an anthem for the rebel of my truth

This is an anthem for the risk of loving you

This is an anthem for the girl that got away

This is an anthem for the war of yesterday

This is an anthem for the rebel of my truth

This is an anthem for the risk of loving you"

The song finished and I just bowed my head, everyone started clapping and yelling. I got off the stage for the next person but no one went up. They all huddled around me patting me on the back saying how they could feel the emotion in the song. I didn't mean for it to happen it just happened. So much for getting my mind off Hayley. Who am I kidding I will never get over her, I will die alone. I will never know who shot her, I will never be able to trace him and make him pay for what he did. No I just have to sit here in agony for the rest of my life, thinking of things I could have done to stop it. God I hate that fucker. I hope his life is absolute hell. Just then in the middle of the dance floor was the face I had been craving for so long. Hayley was standing there staring at me, she didn't move or say a word she was just there, checking up on me. I got up and walked over to her, she looked up at me and I looked down at her. She mouthed the words "Your bed." I didn't know what she meant but I didn't care. She was here, that's all I needed, I reached up and stroked one of her cheeks with my thumb, she looked me right in the eyes and said, "I love you Zak." "I love you Hayley." She gave me one of her breath taking smiles and disappeared into thin air. I decided to leave the bar and investigate what Hayley said. I drove home, because one beer is under the limit, and I opened my front door. It felt peaceful in my house. I knew she had been here recently and for awhile. I went upstairs and opened her bedroom door. I looked on the bed and saw nothing. So I went out and closed the door. I went down the hall a little bit into my room. When I opened the door, the peaceful feeling was really heavy on me. She was in this room for a long time, I could feel it. I opened my eyes and saw a note lying there on my bed. I walked over to it and picked it up.

"My dearest Zak,

I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time now but I've never had the courage. Since the day we met I knew it would go somewhere. I didn't know if you felt the same way about me. I asked you to take off your sunglasses in the cheesecake factory to see if you really would let me see your eyes. When you did I knew you must have felt something. You truly showed me you cared when I tripped in my high heels and you carried me to my room and held my hand until I woke up. I just have to say that was the forth best moment in my life. You're probably like what third, second and first then? Well The third best moment in my life was when you proposed to me this morning. The second best moment was when we kissed in the gazebo at the ball. The first best moment was the first second I saw you. If I had choosen not to go with Sam on this trip then I would never have gotten engaged or never would have seen how caring, sensitive, loving, kind, down to earth, wonderfully amazing you are. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and one of the only people in my life that mean the world to me. I'm so glad we are getting married because when I woke up screaming and you were there to comfort me I honestly wouldn't have wanted it be anyone else. I love you so much and I've only known you for almost a week but I feel like I know every single thing about you and that you have no flaws in my eyes, you are just wonderfully perfect. After meeting you, I now believe in true love at first sight. I love your little "Zak fin" as well. I can't even put into words every feeling I get when I see you. I can see us growing old together. Living in a big house, that's most likely haunted just for your pleasure. I want you to know that if I die before you before then, then I won't get mad at you if you let go of me and move on, if you fall in love with another girl, I won't mind because I know you are happy and you will always love me. I won't mind if you forget who I am because I will always remember you and our love. I really do love you Zak... Just remember that will you? Your smile brightens my day so just flash me one every once in a while please? Never forget.


Hayley <3"

I couldn't help but cry uncontrollably at this letter. She had no idea what was going to happen to her. I fell to the ground screaming and crying at the letter. I just wanted my Hayley back. I heard someone calling my name and then I heard me front door unlock, someone ran up the stairs yelling my name. I looked up still screaming and crying to see who it was. Nick was staring at me for a second trying to figure out what was happening. He saw the letter in my hand and ran over to me. I took the letter and read it, he was trying to comfort me by rubbing my back but it didn't help. He finally got finished reading the letter and he folded it up and put in his pants pocket. "Come on Zak, you're staying with me for a few days." He forced me to stand up and walk to his car. I was still crying but I had stopped screaming. All I could see was Hayley. I could see her words on the letter and everything she was saying. I went through in my head every moment I had spent with her. I still remember her smile like she was sitting right next to me. I remember the way her hair smells of coconut shampoo. I loved that hair. We arrived at Nick's place and by then I had stopped crying. I was just really down. Aaron was waiting outside for Nick to get home. I got out the car and Nick told me to go inside and rest. Yeah like I needed rest, what I really need is Hayley. I went inside and went upstairs to the guest bedroom Nick had. I looked out the window and saw Nick hand Aaron the letter from Hayley. I couldn't deal with not seeing Hayley anymore, I had to see her, in person. I had to be able to kiss her and not look like i'm kissing air. I went into the bathroom and locked the door.

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