Something's wrong

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Nick's POV:

I saw Zak sitting on the park bench and he was looking at something... I don't know what but I think I had an idea. "Hey Zak, you alright?" He didn't even awknoledge that I was there or even spoke his eyes were fixed on something. then his head started turning and following something, then finally he saw me. "Oh hi Nick." His eyes were so sad like he had just been crying or he really wanted to cry. I couldn't take him being so upset anymore. "Hey do you want to stay at my place for a little bit? Not for me to watch you but, just so you have a little company." "I don't know Nick, I love smelling Hayley's perfume when I walk through the door of my house." "It's your call man, you don't have to if you don't want to." "Thanks Nick." "I'll see you later, don't spend too long out here... It's getting dark." I walked away and Zak stayed there and looked at the ground. I really hate seeing Zak like this. I just want him to get better. I got in my car and drove to Aaron's house. I knocked on the door and he came after about a minute. "Hey man, I have a bad feeling about Zak. He's really upset about Hale's." "I know how you feel Sam has been up all night crying her eyes out." I knew we needed to get them out of this phase they're both going through. But how?

Sam's POV:

I heard Nick at the door but I didn't bother to get up and see him. I just really wanted Hayley to walk through the door and say she was back, but that won't happen because she's dead. I saw the gunman point the gun at us, why didn't I block the shot from Hayley? I mean she just got engaged that day, but it's like I wanted the bullet to hit her, like I wanted it to kill her. Of course I didn't she was my best friend, how could I think like that? I need some air. I walked out the door past Nick. I gave him a slight smile but I just walked around the house. I really needed some air to clear my head.

Zak's POV:

I hate waking up alone in bed. I only slept in the same bed with her for one night but I really miss waking up and seeing her face. I loved her so much. I just want to die so I can see her face again.

Author's Note: I'm sorry guys I know this was a really short chapter but I got caught up watching Aaron's vlogs on YouTube so I ran out of time to write. I will make up for it tomorrow I promise!

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