a night to remember

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Hayley's POV:

"Hayley... wake up." I opened my eyes and Sam was leaning over me. "Good you're awake." "Well I am now." I said sarcastically. "Well Zak wants you to call him." I got up out of bed and grabbed my phone off the charger. I had to limp a little because my foot was still hurting a bit. I went out the room so that Sam didn't hear what we were talking about.


"Hi Zak, it's Hayley."

"Oh hi Hayley."

"Um Sam said you wanted me to call?"

"Oh yeah, um, *He giggled at himself like he was embarrased to say it* well I was wondering if you would like to go to this thing tomorrow with me?"

"What type of thing?"

"Oh it's like a dance thing... ballroom actually. Just so you know what to wear."

"Yeah sure I love ballroom dancing."

"Great, i'll text you the details."

"Sounds good. Wait Zak, is it just me and you?"

"Yeah kind of... I don't want the guys to know I like ballroom dancing... and since Sam's with Aaron, I just don't want it to get out."

"Oh okay that's fine i'll just setup a dinner date for her and Aaron."

"Do you want me to ask him or do you want to ask?"

"You ask Aaron, I'll ask Sam."

"Okay sounds like a plan to me." *I could see him pulling a boyish smile and blushing like no other*

"Zak do you know if all of us are doing anything today?"

"We were planning on going to see a movie with you two."

"Ooo, what movie?"

"Les Miserables"

"Yes! I always wanted to see the play but never got the chance."

"Well meet us in the lobby in about an hour and we can go."

"Cool, see you later."



I hung up and got in the shower. I put my phone on my speakers and put on the song Perfect by Hedley. It seemed to fit my life perfectly at the moment.

I came out the shower and got dressed. Sam was already finished getting ready because she got up before me so as I was doing my hair and makeup I told her about today.

"I can't wait!" Sam squealed

"Sam do you and Aaron want to go out to dinner tomorrow? Around 8?"

"Uhh are you setting us up?"

"Well me and Zak are doing something and I thought it would be nice for you. Nick can take his wife out for meal as well."

"Does he know?"

"Zak said he would ask but I'll just ask him when we get downstairs."

I put on my TOMS, because I don't think heels were the best choice today, and we went down in the lobby. We were a bit early so we waited where the guys did when we first came here. After about 10 minutes the guys came into the lobby. Nick and Aaron gave me a friendly hug, but when I hugged Zak I had to stand on my tiptoes and we actually wrapped our arms completely around eachother. I felt like I belonged there and I wish it was just me and him there at that moment because that's what it seemed like. When we finally broke apart that feeling was ripped from me. I can't until tonight when it will be just me and him, dancing.

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