Did you love him?

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Earth 1

New thinks he is dead for a second. But death would not hurt. Would it? A loud bang slams into his head repeatedly. If he was dead, this would be his hell. He squints up at the crooked clock on the wall. It aches to strain his eyes. He gropes for his phone under the pillow. Groans when the light blinds him. It is 8 in the morning. His biological clock is still working. Does that kind of thing matter in hell?

He needn't look around to know he is home. His real home. The bed feels different. More familiar. Like it is embracing him.

He wants to huddle in the sheets for a little longer. Mourn for a while. He will miss evil Tay. The asshole might have been crazy about Thitipoom but New believes he loved him too in his own messed up way. Perhaps more than his Teh ever would. He touches his lips. Phantom lips ghost over them. Electrifying. Sinful.

He quivers as he climbs out of bed. Pads over to the calendar on the wall. Back home means back to business. Not even a splitting headache can stop him. He has worked through much worse.

New kind of hopes his counterpart hasn't marked his schedule for the month. Just so he can find one thing wrong about him. The great Thitipoom is disorganized. What did Evil Tay and Teh see in him? They could do so much better. He is disappointed to see red marks on the calendar. Confusion follows as he draws closer. The calendar is flipped to December 2021.

He turns it around like a fool. December is the last page. Perhaps Thitipoom isn't so great after all. He goes back to his phone. A quick call to P'Jack will solve his problems. He frowns at the phone. The date says it is the 22nd of December 2021. He remembers this date so well because it is the day he was beamed up into another universe.

He starts to panic. Paces the room. Bites his nails. Bounces his legs. What does this imply? That the past few months didn't happen? Bullshit! They did. He felt everything. It was too intense to be imagined. He goes online to double-check today's date. It says the same thing.

He is suddenly annoyed. If the universe or whoever the fuck it is wanted to make it seem like nothing happened, they should've taken his memories too. What is he to do with them?

He showers in anger. Lotions his body in rage. He clothes himself in his favorite pajamas set in irritation. He has no work for today. He intends to eat his weight in sweets as he originally planned before the universe or whoever the fuck it is interrupted the last time.

His plans are again interrupted by a noise at his door. He hears a set of keys jingling. The knob turns not long after.

He stands stiffly in the middle of his living room like a child caught with his hand in a cookie jar. The door flies open and Teh stumbles inside. Breathless. His hair is windswept and he is flushed from exertion. The keys slip from his fingers to the floor. He does not attempt to pick them up or close the door. He stares at New. Like a soldier who has just returned home after a long war. He takes a small step forward. Then another. He lopes across the room and sweeps New up into his arms.

New lets out a little squeak when their chests bump. His nose is suddenly filled with Tay's smell. He shuts his eyes. They smell the same. But there is something different about this one. This one smells like home too. His arms rise, tentative, to return the hug. He paws at the back first. Then his fingers claw into Tay's shirt.

"Hin," Tay breathes. "After last night I thought you were gone forever."

Teh knows. He remembers. New's worries are alleviated. However, it is short-lived. "Teh, it is me." He murmurs. Braces himself to be shoved away.

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