The better half

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Earth 2

What if doppelgängers in alternate universes share a soul? A mind? What if their individual experiences are hidden in their unconscious mind? What if the only force that can propel these experiences up to their collective conscious mind are elements beyond one's ken? What if these elements decide to intervene?

New wakes up with memories he hasn't lived. It is Tay's smiling face in a shirt he has never seen, in a restaurant they've never been to. It is Tay on a beach lying next to him. In his home. In Tay's home. Oh, has he missed the chaos of that living room! He feels his lips stretch in response to Tay's smile. He takes Tay's hands. Feels the pulse in his wrist. His heart rumbles when Tay is near.

The memories are unstable. He gets only snippets. They don't end before another takes over. Each one breaks his heart.

"If you don't want me getting flustered, don't say things that will make me flustered. How would you feel if I suddenly asked you to marry me?" Tay's vision says.

"I asked first just a couple of seconds ago. Of course, I would say yes." A voice that sounds just like his replies.

New bolts to the bathroom. He makes it to the toilet bowl just in time. He throws up while hugging the bowl. Until his throat is sore and all he can manage is dry heaves.

He turns off his phone and locks himself in his room. He feels too sick to do anything. Thankfully, he has no schedule for the day. He hates Thitipoom right now but not as much to hurt his career.

At noon, Tawan's fists almost make a hole in his door. "Don't make me kick the door in, Thitipoom." He threatens. "I can hear you in there. Fucking open up!"

New turns a deaf ear to his intimidation ploys. He throws around words like psychopath, weirdo, and crazy.

"I don't fucking care what happens to you." He says before he leaves.

Nutriment is the last thing on his mind right now. It is not as if he's that broken-hearted—fuck it, he IS that broken-hearted. It is no use lying to himself. He sleeps on an empty stomach. Hopefully, tomorrow is less overwhelming.

Tomorrow comes with more memories. His face is planted in Tay's chest. He knows this scent. He misses it. Tay pats his back as he weeps.

"You can talk to me whenever you're ready." Tay's voice soothes. Soft lips are pressed to his temple.

Why is Tay kissing Thitipoom's temple? He has never kissed his temple. Or asked him to get married. Or cuddled him in bed. New is aggravated. He locks himself in again.


Meanwhile on Earth 1

The visions are interminable. They feel like a dream. Not only because they aren't his reality but because he sees what Tawan is willing to do for someone who isn't him. He had never pushed Tawan for anything. All he wanted was to feel less like a slab of meat. Less like he was only good for sex. Just one date would have sufficed. Or a wave when they saw each other outside.

Four years with Tawan and he got nothing. Yet it takes just 7 months to give it all to someone who looks like him.

"I'm glad that psycho is gone,"

"I don't want my Thitipoom back."

"You're intolerable. I thought you were the better Thitipoom."

The better Thitipoom. Naturally, Tawan would think anyone was better than him. He put his career above New, his friends. And now himself. Pretty sad, if you ask him.

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