The storm after the calm

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It is silent. Tawan is driving. He insisted. Every once in a while New shoots him a sideways glance. He is hoping to catch the man looking back but Tawan's neck is stiff each time. Like he is afraid to look at him. After the hug, he took New's wrist and walked him to the parking lot. They argued briefly over who would be driving which he won. He hasn't said a word since the engine came alive.

He understands now that Smiley Tawan was not a dream. His relief is accompanied by a gnawing feeling of envy. Hin gets to keep Smiley Tawan. What a lucky man! This Tawan breaks his rules for him and he goes home to a Tawan who is in love with him, a corps perdu. He glances to his right again. The asshole is still stiff-necked. He sighs and closes his eyes. In less than five minutes they will be at Tawan's apartment.

He cannot help but think this is the calm before the storm.

He opens his eyes when the car slows to a stop. They have arrived at Tawan's building. The last time he was here, he had been too intoxicated to fight with his ex-lover. He had fallen asleep right after Tawan bathed and changed him into new clothes. It is nice to see the building while sober after such a long time.

It is just as quiet in the elevator. The boxiness of the structure makes it all the more uncomfortable. His body is on fire. He suddenly remembers why he had to drink himself to a stupor to be able to face Tawan. This man makes him feel too much. A few hours ago, he was in bed with another version of him. This information does not help the itch on his skin. Or the tightness in his lower belly. He has reasons to believe that should Tawan touch him right now, sparkles will fly everywhere. The Acetylene torch to his steel. Perhaps he will cut too.

Tawan keys in his lock combination. 1234. New allows himself a small smile. How can one person be this predictable and unpredictable at the same time? Tawan walks in first. New steps in behind him and holds the door shut. The door is barely closed when Tawan pushes him against it. The sparkles almost put his eyes out.

Their lips meet halfway. Passion is on Tawan's tongue. He feeds it to New. And New guzzles it up. He has been starved for years. His hands grip firm muscles. They climb up to soft hair. He wants to touch all of him. In case this moment is evanescent. He wants to re-etch all of his edges and curves into his mind.

Tawan is a biter. New knows it is in his possessive nature. He leaves bites on his neck. On his shoulders. He works the buttons of his shirt open. Smiles when it falls to the ground. "Thitipoom," he whispers. "I've missed you."

New doesn't say he misses him too. It would be redundant to. Tawan should know. Unlike him, he has always worn his feelings as an accessory. Out there for everyone to see. He giggles when Tawan slides his hands under his knees and lifts him. These are the only times he appreciates Tawan's strength.

He carries New to the bedroom. Doesn't break their kiss even for a second. He lowers him gently onto the bed. Leans over him. Tawan's eyes search his face for a few moments. He smiles. It's not as wide as Smiley Tawan's but it is just as beautiful. The softness in his eyes reminds New of their first time in 2016. These same eyes brought them here. They promised him heaven on earth. And even now, after all that he has been through, he sees heaven in them.

Tawan licks his lips. "Thitipoom," he murmurs.


"I'm gonna take off your pants now. And then your underwear. Then I'm gonna slowly open you up. And fuck you. Is that okay?"

Tawan has a way with words. Whether it is to hurt him or incise passion within his soul. "Yes." He nods. "It is more than okay."


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