Somethings and Nothings

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Meanwhile on Earth 2

New is sprawled back on his living room floor. By his side is Tay Tawan. They are both halfway into a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label. He does not know why they are drinking. He suddenly felt the need to get drunk and talked Tay into it. It was not easy. And now he sees why Tay did not want to drink. Who would have thought stoned-faced, body tattoo Tay Tawan would be lightweight?

Speaking of Tattoos, he looks down to where the ink peeks out from Tay's waist band. He fingers the hem of the shirt as test practice. Tay does not flinch. It emboldens New. He drags the shirt up to his underarm where the Tatoo begins.

He traces the spine of the tree down to the flower it appears to be sprouting from. Tay's abs tighten for a second and loosens. "This is the one thing I like about you."

"Just one thing? You and your lies."

"I guess that's one thing we have in common. Lying." His fingers continue to explore. "Why did you get it? I'm guessing it was Thitipoom's idea since he was so obsessed with you."

Tay peruses him through lidded eyes. He shakes his head. "No, it was mine."

He props himself up on his elbow to get a good view of his companion's face. "What!?"

Tay tugs his arm. His alcohol feeble body stood no chance. He falls back on his side. "Thitipoom didn't think it was a good idea at first. He was being stubborn like always—but I convinced him in the end."


"I guess I needed something to show he—," Tay shrugs. "I dunno."

New pokes a finger in the center of the tattoo. "To show that he belongs to you?"

"I didn't say that." His voice is a garbled mess. New has to really focus for his inebriated mind to catch the words.

"But you wanted to. You marked him as yours but won't go out on dates with him. Sick."

He starts to speak but struggles. He sighed. "You're right. I did mark him because I couldn't go on dates with him."

New snorts. What casuistry! He could go on dates! He was just afraid to. New is too intemperate to have this conversation with an equally intoxicated Tay. Also, the man has just started opening up a little. He does not want to chase him back into his shell.

"So secret boyfriends, huh?"

"I don't know what we were. But we were—something."

"Something." New turns the word around on his tongue. Something is better than nothing. It would be nice to be something to Teh. Anything. "That sounds nice."

Dreamy eyes roam New's face. His head ticks from side to side. "It wasn't. Not always. We fought all the time."

"I fight with Teh too. It's normal, right?"

He chuckles dolefully. "Normal." Another short arid laugh. "When were we ever? Our fights were intense. We—I said things I'm not proud of."

"Like what?"

"I don't want to repeat them." He rests on his side. "I think you're my second chance, Thitipoom," New shivers when Tay's hand touches his face. His thumb massages the skin under his eyes. "I don't want you to hear those words from my lips again."

"You're drunk."

"I know." He huffs a laugh. "Pass me the bottle, will you? I'm not drunk enough."

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